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Truth Project

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We have been going through a course called "Truth Project". I just had to write a short clip about it and encourage anyone that has the opportunity to participate in the course to do so.

It has made me think and evaluate every week along with aha moments at least once every week. It is a 13 wk course so a bit of a commitment but well worth it.

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Really? You all LOVE it? We're doing it right now and I DREAD the videos each week (and I'm leading a group). To me, I think they should be about 30 minutes in length. They just seem too long and I struggle to stay awake at times. I also wish there was a woman expert or two rather than all older, white (except for Ravi Zacharias) men. The interviews with the people (unitarian woman, guy with tats, etc) bother me, b/c the people appear foolish. It also seems a bit odd to me that we're encouraged to lead TP groups in a small group setting and yet the videos are in a classroom setting. I completely agree with the worldview presented in the materials, so that's not the issue. Am I the only one not crazy about TP?

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Cindy--I do wish they were shorter (or easier to stop in the middle) as we have considered showing them to a young adults group--half an hour would be perfect. And I agree with your assessment of the interviewees. I do think they did a great job of laying out the Christian worldview in a clear, logical way. I appreciate materials that honor Scripture and support it with logic, rather than putting logic first or throwing it out altogether.

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Really? You all LOVE it? We're doing it right now and I DREAD the videos each week (and I'm leading a group). To me, I think they should be about 30 minutes in length. They just seem too long and I struggle to stay awake at times. I also wish there was a woman expert or two rather than all older, white (except for Ravi Zacharias) men. The interviews with the people (unitarian woman, guy with tats, etc) bother me, b/c the people appear foolish. It also seems a bit odd to me that we're encouraged to lead TP groups in a small group setting and yet the videos are in a classroom setting. I completely agree with the worldview presented in the materials, so that's not the issue. Am I the only one not crazy about TP?


That is so funny because I wish they were longer! :D It seems I am so wrapped up in the info and then it's over. It would be nice if there were some females but thankfully, I really like all the experts they have on there especially Zacharias!

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I do think they did a great job of laying out the Christian worldview in a clear, logical way. I appreciate materials that honor Scripture and support it with logic, rather than putting logic first or throwing it out altogether.


Rosy, I agree. I'm sure I'm a bit biased b/c I tend to not like any type of small group study that uses video tapes. My very favorite way to do a small group is to exegetically study a book of the Bible exploring themes, doing word studies, etc. So, I'm not best-suited to lead this type of group. I do know that others are being blessed by it.

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I do think they did a great job of laying out the Christian worldview in a clear, logical way. I appreciate materials that honor Scripture and support it with logic, rather than putting logic first or throwing it out altogether.



I agree, Rosy. I do have to say that using a video is about my least favorite way to lead or participate in a small group. My preference is to exegetically move through a book of the Bible exploring themes, doing word studies, etc., and applying it to our lives. I do know that quite a few people are being blessed by them.


Wow, Heather. You really wish they were longer? That's impressive!

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We watched these last year and enjoyed them. Half way through we (dh and I) met with Del Tackert in his office (nice office) and met several people at FOF who are on the videos.

Have you watched Francis Shaeffer's How Shall We Then Live? They are great!


I just ordered those! And I am WAY jealous that you met Tackett. He seems like such an intelligent and God-honoring man.

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