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NLE - Brag alert - Scores came! (x-post)

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11-year-old ds got a gold medal (38/40) on the NLE Latin I exam!






Congrats!! that's great!

can you tell me how you are going Latin?

on line? class? at home?


dd did very well on the NLE last year while she was in catholic school.

I'm feeling insecure now because she did not do very well on this years NLE.

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We work through it together at home. I never had Latin in school. Ds "gets" it much better than I do! :D


I don't know what level you are on in LitCT (I think I saw that this is what you use, too). but the her volumes don't correspond to the tests. I asked the author about this b/c we have slowed down our Latin pace this year to add in Spanish. Ds took the Intro test last year and got a perfect paper. She suggests being halfway through her volume I for the intro test (he was farther along than that b/c we were only doing Latin last year), halfway through her Volume II for the Latin I test (he was through Chapter 7; through Chapter 9 would have been half), and halfway through her Volume III for the Latin II test. We likely won't take it next year b/c of our slower pace. If I had my 'druthers we'd go back to only Latin, but ds "likes" Spanish. B/c she doesn't cover mythology we did a bit of review of that as well.


Oh, we also print off and do several of the prior years' exams? Did you know those were available on the NLE website? We usually do five or six from previous years - doing one a week leading up to the exam.



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