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Does anyone here sell products that you make yourself?

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I'm thinking about starting a home-based business selling wooden toys that I handcraft myself. I've never done anything like this and am a bit overwhelmed with all of the things I haven't thought of. One of the big things is product liability insurance. Do you have this? If so, which insurance agents will provide this sort of coverage? Can I ask how much you pay? Please feel free to pm me if you'd rather not say on the boards. Since people sue for just about anything these days, I'm thinking I need some sort of protection in case injury or harm would come as a result of my items (I truly don't expect this but you just never know). I don't want someone to sue me and put my family's assests, home, etc. at risk but I'm also afraid trying to afford insurance like this will end my business before it starts. Any advice?



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When do the new product testing regulations go into effect?


A "real" company that provides products to the chain of daycare centers my mother works for (and others, I assume) is already running into financial troubles due to the upcoming regulations. I have a feeling it'll be a much bigger bite for a home-based toy company!

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Thanks everyone for the thoughts and suggestions. I have been frequenting the etsy boards trying to figure it out, but was hoping someone I "know" a little better over here might be able to offer some advice. I'm aware of the new CPSIA guidelines that are coming out and they are the other big concern I have right now. Again, another thing that may stop my business before it even starts:glare:. However, I think I have a better handle on those guidelines and how to deal with them, than I do the liability issue. This is still really a sticking point for me!


I've never done anything like this before, and it really is out of my area of comfort. However, it is something I'm excited about and I'm trying not to take the easy way out and say it is just too hard and give up. I'm going to keep plugging away to see if I can make this work.



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