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Weird question of the day, regarding fiber...

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We are enjoying your question. We don't think that it would make a difference in the fiber content, but this is only an opinion. Blueberries in a blender drink wouldn't have any less fiber than whole ones tossed into yogurt I'm sure of. Yummy either way:tongue_smilie:

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Assuming you normally chew your food well before swallowing, the effect would be the same whether you blended the food in advance, or not.

I was just going to say this!


I got a lecture from a nurse once that the fiber isn't the same if I blend food for my babies. I was so close to asking her if she was a boa constrictor (swallows without chewing)....I bit my tongue.

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Thanks, you guys! I hope you aren't laughing too loudly!! I know that our food is ground up a lot when chewing, but I really wondered if the body's action of breaking it down the rest of the way was somehow part of the benefit of fiber.


Chelle, who's glad not to be a boa!

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