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Let me share - this is fun history week for us!

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Okay, mom needs a break, and a chance to plan, and clean house, and catch up on laundry, sewing, ironing, baking etc :) So this week we are doing all the fun history projects I never get around to. I promised them no math, no latin (I know, it's a sin, but I will ask for pardon later), nothing but history and geography! We are reviewing what we have learned (doing Middle Ages), and today we made salt dough Byzantine mosaics, filled in lots of our history portfolio, read lots of King Arthur, made a cardboard castle, and are now sitting down for teatime with Amish Friendship bread I made myself (first homemade bread I have made in 10 years!). Anyway, we are still doing Bible and recitation in the morning, and have piano and art lessons this week (and the dreaded soccer season has begun) but other than that, they are doing lots of coloring, the older one is doing some writing for the history portfolio, and we plan to finish our Viking boat, open our Knights chest, make a Viking Rune (that got started 5 weeks ago and never finished), and an illuminated gospel cover. I think that this is the only way I will ever make all those great projects actually happen. And then maybe they will be ready to dive back in next week, and hopefully so will I! Anne Marie

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This is a great plan. I think we could do with a week like this. Can I let go of the maths though...?

Let us know how it all went and the highlights. I hope you all have a wonderful week!

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Hijack! Amish Friendship Bread--


do you have the recipe for the starter itself? I can't find anyone here who has some to share!


History is my favorite thing ever--love the hands-on stuff--Have a great week!


Afraid not - a friend gave me some starter - I think the starter is a carefully guarded amish secret :) I don't know of anyone who actually knows it. Like I said, it has been years since I made bread - but WOW was it good - I did not realize this was such a sweet bread. The kids keep begging for more :) Anne Marie

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Can I come over? What a fun week! I just love the middle ages. You have a great idea for getting all of those unfinished projects done. We are somewhat in the same boat with unfinished business. i may have to work something like this in during the next few weeks.

Thanks for sharing your great idea!


Well, I always seem to put these things off, and my son LOVES projects. I have spent the last few weeks in a planning mode after pulling my MOTH back out, and reading 3 other wonderful books on making life happen instead of letting it happen to you, so I was really motivated. Especially since I realize that I am not following through on my promises with my kids (a path my father walked, and which frustrated me to no end - I am still waiting for the train tracks to get set up for our model trains :) ) and I never wanted to be the mom who said yeah we'll do that later, then never did it. That is the beauty of homeschool, right? - I don't have to finish my school year at any particular time, so if this means a little extra school at the end, fine, I am okay with that. Anyway, we are having fun, we have accomplished a lot already!

BTW - we are planning to be out at the Discovery Center next Wed March 6 (around 1pm), if you wanted to join us? My oldest would love to meet some homeschool boys his age!

Anne Marie

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Well, I always seem to put these things off, and my son LOVES projects. I have spent the last few weeks in a planning mode after pulling my MOTH back out, and reading 3 other wonderful books on making life happen instead of letting it happen to you, so I was really motivated. Especially since I realize that I am not following through on my promises with my kids (a path my father walked, and which frustrated me to no end - I am still waiting for the train tracks to get set up for our model trains :) ) and I never wanted to be the mom who said yeah we'll do that later, then never did it. That is the beauty of homeschool, right? - I don't have to finish my school year at any particular time, so if this means a little extra school at the end, fine, I am okay with that. Anyway, we are having fun, we have accomplished a lot already!

BTW - we are planning to be out at the Discovery Center next Wed March 6 (around 1pm), if you wanted to join us? My oldest would love to meet some homeschool boys his age!

Anne Marie


We would love to meet you at Disc. Cntr!:D My boys are excited to meet your dc! I'm a bit confused though because March 6 is Thursday, so are you going on Wed. or Thurs.? I think leap year screws everyone up, well, except those who finally get to celebrate a birthday (like me :)!) Oh, I'll be the one wearing the red rose! :p


I'd also like to hear more about the books you have been reading. I'm with you on follow through. It's tough when there is so much other stuff and people yelling for your attention. I don't want to be that mom either.


I have also just recently come to the conclusion that it doesn't matter if we don't get quite through with the stuff I planned for this year. We school year round and it really doesn't matter. This is something I am learning to let go of. Challenging for me since I thrive on schedules and meeting goals.


Anyhow, keep me updated with next week! Looking forward to it!



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