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Where to go; what to do? Latin after Henle 1st year...

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My two high schoolers are finishing the First Year Henle book this year. They started Latin in 5th and 7th grades and are very good Latin students.


They have done the Henle book over two years in a co op class with an excellent teacher. I think the co op is not planning to continue Latin past this year's level.


One will be a senior next year and one dtr a sophomore. The eldest thinks she might want to be a translator. They both love Latin.


I'd like to know options for next year - from online class (poss my first pick) to going it alone or with tutoring. IF you could put in approx costs, that would be helpful.





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I'd continue with Henle book 2. I believe the Henle Yahoo group covers book 2.


Is there a group on Yahoo - where students are going thru the book independently - and where we would get answers when we have questions?


Or is this some kind of online course?




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Since you're considering online, I'll highly recommend the online course my dd takes through Lukeion Project. Go to Lukeion.org and you can get details. I'd also be happy to share our experience on the forum or PMing. They use Wheelock's for the first two years. She has thrived with it and absolutely loves the course!

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Regina Coeli had Henle classes. I think their Henle III class is the class that would use Henle Book 2. I have heard good things about the teacher and she was very helpful via email when we were considering Latin 3 (not Henle III). If you did not learn the Henle 1 with your children, then I think it would be hard to do Henle Book 2 with just the yahoo group, but with motivated students maybe it is possible. I think the Regina Coeli is around 550 a year.

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