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Dental Advise?

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I am in pain! I had a root canal 2 years ago. I had not had any problems with it, until about a week ago. The crown started feeling like it was hitting the lower teeth before the rest of my teeth connected. Now it really hurts!


Luckily, I have an appointment Tuesday... but I was wondering if anyone else has experienced a problem like this.

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I have had this before. The dentist sanded down the crown and the pain stopped. I have also had a tooth with a root canal where the tooth had sensation afterwards. The dentist went in and sort of "re-did" the root canal and it was fine afterwards. The second root canal was nothing like the first, much easier :001_smile:

Hope it is an easy fix.


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I got in to the dentist this morning, after not sleeping hardly at all last night. He thinks it's an infection in the root canal. That's why the tooth seems lower.


So- he shot me full of novacaine for short-term relief, and I have antibiotics and vicodin. In a few weeks, I will have to go in and have the root canal re-done.


At least I'm out of pain!

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:grouphug:You poor thing.:grouphug:


I got in to the dentist this morning, after not sleeping hardly at all last night. He thinks it's an infection in the root canal. That's why the tooth seems lower.


So- he shot me full of novacaine for short-term relief, and I have antibiotics and vicodin. In a few weeks, I will have to go in and have the root canal re-done.


At least I'm out of pain!

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