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Big Baby

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Yup that's me today. As a wrap up to a terrible week, my 2 older kids woke up with pink eye today(interesting since we were at the eye doctor yesterday), so off the dr's office we go. While walking through the parking lot I tripped on the uneven payment and fell while holding the baby. Luckily she never touched the ground, *I* on the otherhand hit it very hard. The back of my left hand is covered in road rash, both knees are cut up and swollen, my new jeans have a huge rip in the knee, My right elbow though took the worst of the fall, it is split open and bad bone brusing but THANKFULLY not broken. And the kids thought the worst part of it was my coffee went flying and then ran down the pavement towards where I was sitting trying not to cry and soaked my one bum cheek :lol:


There is a silver lining in if you have to have a bad fall doing it right at the dr's office is the place to do it, especially when they have xray equipment to check you right away for broken bones. And that the baby never hit the ground. FUnny thing about that is this is the 2nd time in 10 years I have fallen while carrying one of my baby's and ended up with cuts all over but baby never hit the ground, I am good and instinctively holding tight and rolling as I fall to keep them up, too bad I didn't have the same coordination to avoid the fall in the first place.


Bad side is I am in pain and being a big baby about it. My right arm hurts from finger tip to shoulder and I am limping. ig kids now have eye drops for their eyes and all I can say is TGIF!!!

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Oh you poor thing! I'm so glad baby is ok. How terrifying that must have been, for both of you! I've never fallen while holding one of mine; shocking, really, since I'm not the most graceful creature.


Let's hope you have a less eventful weekend, ok? :001_smile:

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Ouch! I've fallen holding a baby and it seems that there is a quick conscious effort to spare the little one injury. Should you contact the eye doctor about the infections? It sounds like they may be spreading something in their office. I hope that you are feeling better soon.

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Ouch! I've fallen holding a baby and it seems that there is a quick conscious effort to spare the little one injury. Should you contact the eye doctor about the infections? It sounds like they may be spreading something in their office. I hope that you are feeling better soon.


Yes I did call the eye dr and let him know, and called my sister to keep an eye on my nephew since we went there for a visit after we were done at the eye dr.

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Wow. I am soo sorry!


My DD fell a couple of times holding her baby. They had just moved and her step into her garage was considerably smaller than the one in the previous house and she was just not adjusting to it.

First time she broke her foot, 2nd time she sprained her other foot. The fracture was bad, but it healed. The sprained foot still give her pain a year and a half later.


Yes, it's Friday, put in a movie for the kiddoes and take something for the pain. Get some rest, Ok?

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