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Any advice for someone suffering from TMJ?

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My dh is constantly in pain from a stiff jaw (TMJ). At rest, most people's jaws close so that their top teeth sit on their bottom teeth. My husband's does not. His jaw is constantly open a bit. It doesn't hurt him in the am...it gets progressively worse during the day until by evening (when he comes home) it's killing him to the point that he often takes some pain medication. Does anyone have any suggestions for remedies or how to help him? Thanks.

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He's been talking to his dentist about it and the dentist suggested relaxation, too. He didn't say anything about his bite needing to be fixed. I've heard that meditation and yoga can help with stuff like TMJ and other stress-related problems. Anything else? Thanks a bunch for the responses!

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I think I can help.


I've recently had some severe issues with my TMJ (jaw actually slipping out of joint while chewing....ouch!; severe pain; sore jaw; headaches).


My dentist recommended an $800 bite guard along with "reshaping" of my teeth...no way. I just couldn't do it. I know there's no approved treatment for TMJ (dentist never mentioned this), and I refuse to be taken advantage of. So, I went online and found the StressGard (http://www.totalgard.com/ $20 delivered). I ordered it, have been wearing it at night, and have had instant (INSTANT) relief. It's amazing.


I saw my orthodontist yesterday. I brought my StressGard and asked him his opinion. He said it was a great appliance, and also suggested the Dr. Brux Guard (http://www.amazon.com/Dr-Brux-Dental-Night-Guard/dp/B000M9E3UM this ranges from $50 to $70 on the web). He actually gave me a Brux Guard for free. He also said there's no reason whatsoever to spend a fortune on a bite guard; anything that keeps space between the molars while sleeping (TMJ is often caused by clenching or grinding during sleep) will do the trick. He said it's not rocket science, but that it's a great money-maker for dentists whose patients trust them. :glare:


I honestly think the cheaper StressGard is better for me...the Brux is a bit thicker and kept my mouth open a bit too much.


I'm looking for a new dentist. I'm not happy that he would suggest that his $800 appliance is the cure. There is no cure. There is treatment, and it comes cheap.


I love my orthodontist. :D



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I used to be bothered by this on occasion. I mentioned it to a chiropractor I was seeing and he did some adjustments on the area...I can't remember specifially as it was more than 10 years ago, but I haven't been bothered by it since. I think he was just applying pressure and getting my jaw back in place. I had been bothered by it for over 20 years at that point!

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Chiropractic helps me, too. Some doctors know how to move things using your wrist, some work on your jaw, some use ultrasound on your jaw. If they want to put a gloved hand in your mouth and move a muscle, RUN! Find a different chiropractor. (That method is VERY painful and totally unnecessary when other DCs can do it painlessly.)

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Does anyone have any suggestions for remedies or how to help him? Thanks.


Yikes, this sounds pretty severe. If you google TMJ exercises on youtube, you'll get plenty of hits. If simple strengthening and stretching don't help, I think you need a professional. Ask around for who does this. In my area, it is a neurologist who used to be an dentist!

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My dentist taught me an exercise where I used my tongue to press up against the roof of my mouth, just behind my front teeth. I only had to do it a few times to get relief. I got the impression that there are different pressure angles depending on the exact symptoms of the problem.

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Have you looked into braces? That sounds like what he needs-to correct his bite. I have braces right now to correct my bite. I wore a bite guard for a long time. Have you been to a TMJ specialist?


My TMJ disappeared the first month of my braces. I would consult a dentist and see if his bite is off. Sometimes braces fix it, sometimes they recommend surgery. Hopefully braces will do the trick.



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