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Homeschool Tracker Plus - quick help please


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:lol:My very feeble answer....


I bought HST years ago...and never used it because I am so @nal I could never begin anywhere but the beginning...therefore...welp...I haven't begun...


So, I just brought up the program and I am determined to use it for my last quarter to get my feet wet....just to see what it can do...and then when I am an expert :lol: I plan to input all my data for next year.


The way i figure it, at least I will have some ideas on how to use it best for me...and I will just use this last quarter as practice...so i don't have to feel too bad about failure...


Good Luck!! Let me know how you do!


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I've been sitting here watching all the videos. :) It looks so great if I can get it all figured out! I've had the free version for a long time, but never used it. But I've been making my own plans and this looks easier! My dh just bought me a laptop 'puter so that will be nice to have it open during the day on our table too. Good luck! Post anything exciting you learn. :)

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I would back date your school year to when it began and initially use this year as your training session.


You can input past and near future lesson plans and learn to tweak them to your satisfaction. This may be easier because you will have a better handle on how you want things to look. That way when you understand the software (because you already understand the data you're using) it will be easier to input data for upcoming years.

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