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Math Fact Drill Program?

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It's like a giant calculator with software in it to keep track of their last 15 missed problems and how well they do on each set of facts. For example, my daughter has now learned her addition and subtraction facts, we do 75 seconds of drill twice a week for both addition and subtraction to keep her from forgetting them. At the end of each 75 second (you can do longer or shorter) period, you get a report with the number tried, number correct, and the percentage correct. It also keeps a running total of the last 15 problems missed. That was helpful information when she was still learning them, and learning some new facts facts but forgetting others.


I bought mine from Sonlight.

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We have the Flashmaster and my boys have enjoyed it, but we have also used Quarter Mile Math (CD-rom). This has timed math races. My boys will often ask to play this for fun or while they are waiting for me. We also use Calculadders. This is a workbook (by grade level) with math fact drill sheets that are to be timed. The book has several of the same drill, so that the child can work to increase speed and accuracy. I know QMM and Calculadders can be purchased from Rainbow Resources.

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