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Can anyone recommend the perfect sewing basket?

Guest Alte Veste Academy

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Guest Alte Veste Academy

I have all my embroidery and quilting supplies in a plastic drawer system in my closet and that's fine for those things. For my new venture into sewing clothes and household doodads, I would really like a great big sewing basket that I can grab and easily move from room to room. I don't have a designated sewing space so I hand sew on the couch and backyard swing and machine sew on our dining room table.


Does anyone know of the perfect big sewing basket?

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I bought one at Christmas time. I was in need of the largest one I could get. This is what I found. I love it!


Hopefully that link works. I found it very hard to find much out there these days. I hope this helps.



I like this one. It is similar to mine, but bigger. I found mine years ago on sale at JoAnn Fabric.


I recognize the very practicality of the fishing box, but I could never look at it in my family room. I love to see embroidery and sewing sitting in a large basket with a handle. If you have a lot of items I would consider a two handle wicker laundry basket. I'm of the mind, that if it is in a basket it can be left out and considered decoration. :)




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Guest Alte Veste Academy

Thanks for all the suggestions everyone. I don't know why a tackle box never occurred to me, especially since we keep all our medicine in a locked metal toolbox. I would consider a tackle box (and it would definitely be a better price) but my husband's grandmother actually sent me a check for my birthday specifically because she heard of my yearning for a sewing basket. I only feel authorized to spend the money on the genuine article, you know? Plus, they're so pretty.


Jennifer, thanks for the link. That one looks great and I was surprised to see sewing baskets on Overstock! I actually puttered around a bit just now and found a medium one that matches my bedroom decor so I got it. If I outgrow it, I can hand it down to my daughter and upgrade.


Jo, I agree completely in the principle of baskets as decoration. With all my littles, I have always loved to see their toys in big baskets when they're in the living room. I love IKEA for all those big, beautiful baskets! :001_smile:

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