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What's your Best Ancient History Cd's or DVD's

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Hi There,


I have an 11 year old that LOVES SOTW 3 cds and I plan to purchase her the SOTW Ancient CDs and some other CDs to go with ancient.

We'll also be studying Famous Men of Rome...


I'm not great enough at History to pick out "accurate". We're Christian, but it doesn't have to be Christian...if it's not somehow "Anti-Christian".


I also have a first grader that might want to listen in...but doesn't have to.


Please...Give me your favorites,,, And, if there are great books to go with them...or something you think I have to get....Let me know!



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We love the Drive-Thru History DVDs and we like listening to Diana Waring's CDs.


:iagree: We love the Drive Thru History DVDs! Also, I recently had a difficult time deciding on whether to purchase the SOTW CDs or Diana Waring's CDs. I chose and purchased Diana Waring's CDs, and I can tell you that I am not disappointed... absolutely lovin Diana here!

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We love anything by Diana Waring, Jim Weiss, or Jim Hodges. If your 11yo is a boy he would like the G.A. Henty books to go along with the CDs. Jim Weiss abridges them and Jim Hodges does not.


We also love the DVDs by Ray Vander Laan for understanding the Bible & what was happening in history during that time. They're published by Focus on the Family & aren't cheap, but www.libraryanded.com has them on sale sometimes. We bought the set from there a few months ago when they had a great deal. So worth the $!



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The Ancient Civilizations for Children series is really good. You can find info at this link, but they are a bit pricey to purchase. We can get all of them through our library, though. They are worth checking into!




My dd LOVES these. She will watch each one several times, and then whine when we run out of library renewals. Even though we are studying Greece now, she just checked out the Mesopotamia dvd again because she "missed it."

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:iagree: We love the Drive Thru History DVDs! Also, I recently had a difficult time deciding on whether to purchase the SOTW CDs or Diana Waring's CDs. I chose and purchased Diana Waring's CDs, and I can tell you that I am not disappointed... absolutely lovin Diana here!


Would the cd's by Diana Waring work for an 8 and 9 year old?


We love anything by Diana Waring, Jim Weiss, or Jim Hodges. If your 11yo is a boy he would like the G.A. Henty books to go along with the CDs. Jim Weiss abridges them and Jim Hodges does not.




Could you give me a title to one of these books? I'm having trouble finding them online.


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