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I'm crazy, but how do get a job overseas?

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Living in a foreign country has always been one of my "big dreams". I just never assumed it could/would happen. Then I was reading a childrens book today to a two year old today saying, "it's ok to be short", "it's ok to live in a small house" etc. etc.


It finally said, "it's ok to dream big." And I thought, "wow, thanks. I needed to hear that."


Dh is in a computer niche for a large hospital system here in Ca. In these economic times he has no interest in job hunting which obviously is smart.


But if we were to search. Where do you start? We're not bilingual, but would love to live in Italy.


Any thoughts? I'm also interested in hearing others' "big dreams".



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There are many, many websites out there with overseas job listings. When dh was serious about looking into it, he registered with a large number of them and really kept up with it. The job he ended up with came initially from one of those listings.


If you do a google search for "overseas jobs Italy", I bet you get a large listing of websites...

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Once you have decided on a country you need to check to see whether you are able to just move there ( on a visit visa etc), and then get a job, or whether if you get a job 1st- whether you are eligible for residency etc.


If you go to many expat forums, you will find a sticky at the top of the page letting you know what is necessary to do before making an international move. Many forums also have links to job sites.


I moderate on an expat forum, which has a link to the Italy site.

I will PM the link to you, so you can read through other peoples experiences.


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A 3 bedroom house on a half acre block somewhere with rainfall would be good. If I was to think a little bigger, I'd make it a 4 bedroom eco-house, or maybe just the three with a portable classroom out the back so my house could stay tidyish; and the 4th room could be an office for me when I finish the naturopathy diploma I'm not even sure we'll ever be able to afford for me to do. If I was to dream even bigger, dh would definitely be having a well paid job so I could definitely do that course, and maybe he/we could go and work overseas for a few years too. I doubt that'll ever happen though. He's half deaf and would have too much trouble with foreign accents to want to try it. Shame, I was looking at jobs in Azerbaijan once. Isn't that a cool name?




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