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What grammar do you use with CW? Or do you not add any?


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Can I ask, why are you asking? :)


If you would prefer to skip the CW grammar then you can easily use any program that covers the parts of speech. I used JAG, but R&S is probably the most popular.


But on the other hand if you are thinking you need to supplement CW...well it tends to have a pretty high volume of work. It isn't that difficult there is just a lot of it, so I don't think you will need another program.




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If you are using Classical Writing with LCC, depending upon the age of your child, you may not need to add any grammar program at all. Otherwise, I would recommend R&S grammar or another grammar program with which you're familiar (we used Abeka) and then you could just do the CW grammar exercises lightly, if that makes sense. If you're coming CW with Latin (a la LCC) then your child should get plenty of grammar.

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I'm asking b/c I wonder if I need Rod and Staff or if CW's grammar is enough. It does seem like a lot of work on it's own, without R&S. And, we're doing Latina Christiana next year too. I don't want to drown myself b/c I'm also adding my 3rd son in the fall. There are just too many choices and decisions!!! :)

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I'm asking b/c I wonder if I need Rod and Staff or if CW's grammar is enough. It does seem like a lot of work on it's own, without R&S. And, we're doing Latina Christiana next year too. I don't want to drown myself b/c I'm also adding my 3rd son in the fall. There are just too many choices and decisions!!! :)

I would do one of the three. :D


The problem I had with CW grammar, being I am no grammar buff, is that it will give the answers for all the main work, but then it will also say something like: Review pronouns by having the child find all pronouns in the model. It won't have the answers to the review. Then I had to go in and either figure out which pronouns functioned as adverbs, or just make it an exercises in remembering pronouns and have my kiddos mark it regardless of how it was functioning in the sentence. Given how weak I am in grammar I felt the need for more support and moved over to JAG.


Now if I were in your shoes I think I would use LC (or is it LCC?) as a base and just use the main CW grammar if you felt like your child needs more work. If they are doing fine with LC just drop the CW grammar totally. Either way you should be able to ignore the CW review and the problems I had.



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