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MFW - do I have to start with ECC?

Chez J

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The year we used MFW we jumped right into where we were in the cycle, which was Rome to Reformation. If I would have known about it, or had the time before my older dd hit high school, I would have done ECC. I think my older dd would have benefited from the geography/cultural study. By not starting to homeschool till 5th grade, I didn't realize that she didn't have a good grasp on where in the world some things are. It would have helped her to understand the history that we are doing better, IMO. We are going back to MFW next year and I'm glad that my younger dd will get that benefit.


So I guess it depends on where you are. If your kiddos have a good grasp of the world then go right into where you want to be in the history cycle. If they don't, consider it a bonus to do ECC before to have a "foundation" to build on for their history studies.

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I contacted MFW last year since it was our first year to use it and they suggested we start with ECC since we never used their curriculum before.

Then they gave me a list of what to use next and so on..


Send them an email and see what they say, if you don't want to do it the way they say, you don't have to..



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I've about decided that MFW is what I want to do for middle school history. If I were to do ECC, I'd combine it with SOTW IV next year, so that in 5th, we'd start our next history cycle on time. But, I really need to start focussing on science instead. I really don't want more time to history. LOL! Science needs to be our focus.


Thanks again,



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You can start anywhere you need to. Have your children done much geography? If so, than I'd say go ahead and start where you want. If not, then ECC would be extremely helpful and a great basis for the history years. It's easier (imho) to undersatnd history if you know the geography and culture of the country you're learning about.


Also, ECC does a great job of teaching a Biblical worldview. I think it would be easier to add more science in ECC than it might be in the other years as well.

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