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American Ex-pats?

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Actually, I think there are quite a few of us. There was a thread very recently about people living outside of their home country, and I think a number of Americans were either living overseas at present or had done so in the past.



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So, then, a few questions.


Is homeschooling normal in your country.


I'm finding here that people are positive about home education but seem to think it's more of an American thing. Being an ex-pat, I find I don't have to explain myself and homeschooling as much. If I don't feel like giving the long explanation as to why we do it I can always just say it's because we are only here for 2 years. (Though we are seriously considering emmigrating.)


I am starting to find a bit of a vibrant community here but there are whispers of increased government surveliance of home educators and that concerns me.


I miss a lot from the states, a few food items, but as we are not so much into convenience foods I've mostly been able to find what I need here and to be honest I think when/if we leave, there will be much more I miss about here than there.


Mostly I miss my friends and family back in the states. It's harder to stay connected than I thought it would be.


I'm in Wales by the way.



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So, then, a few questions.


Is homeschooling normal in your country.


I'm finding here that people are positive about home education but seem to think it's more of an American thing. Being an ex-pat, I find I don't have to explain myself and homeschooling as much. If I don't feel like giving the long explanation as to why we do it I can always just say it's because we are only here for 2 years. (Though we are seriously considering emmigrating.)


I am starting to find a bit of a vibrant community here but there are whispers of increased government surveliance of home educators and that concerns me.


I miss a lot from the states, a few food items, but as we are not so much into convenience foods I've mostly been able to find what I need here and to be honest I think when/if we leave, there will be much more I miss about here than there.


Mostly I miss my friends and family back in the states. It's harder to stay connected than I thought it would be.


I'm in Wales by the way.




I'm an American who has lived in Canada for 16 years. I know the countries are similar in many ways, but in many ways they are not. Yes, homeschooling is "normal" here, but it's not as prevalent as in the States, because the population here is MUCH smaller. So you can tell your friends there that it's common in Canada, too.:D I hear that many homeschoolers in Quebec do it under the radar because Quebec has strict laws about homeschooling. And laws vary from province to province here.


I missed many things about the States when I first left (friends and family included) but I've slowly become "Canadianized" over the years. I've made friends and a life here. If we ever moved to the States, I'd really miss Canadian culture. But I desperately miss warmer, sunnier weather!!:D

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I've been living here for almost 4 years now. Homeschooling is definitely not normal here and very few missionaries homeschool as well--most send their dc to the American school in the City. But, I don't have to explain much about my choice, I never really did in the US either mostly because I just didn't feel the need to do so.


I miss alot! I miss some of the comforts of home and some of the foods I can't get here. But, really, we can get a lot so it's not too bad! It's a lot of effort to keep up with those back in the US. I do miss just running over to see my mom and my best friend of over 30 years living 2 blocks from my house, but, I've made great friends here as well.


It took a while to feel as though this was home for me. Some people adjusted so easily it seemed like something might be wrong with me, but, now it really does feel like home. I love it here. I love my friends. I love the time I get to spend with my family. I love that I don't feel as distracted here!

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