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facebook ? again

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Can someone please explain to me all the different privacy settings? I have several people bugging me to do this, but I am paranoid about setting it up correctly. I don't want the entire world to see me and all my friends (I don't think, do I?). I don't get how the wall thing works. Do I post there? Can anyone post there? What in the world does it mean to "poke" somebody????

Please bring me into the 21st century. I did search the boards, but I couldn't find much detail about the MANY different settings.



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Can someone please explain to me all the different privacy settings? I have several people bugging me to do this, but I am paranoid about setting it up correctly. I don't want the entire world to see me and all my friends (I don't think, do I?). I don't get how the wall thing works. Do I post there? Can anyone post there? What in the world does it mean to "poke" somebody????

Please bring me into the 21st century. I did search the boards, but I couldn't find much detail about the MANY different settings.




It's been a long time since I set up my profile, so probably someone else will have a better idea of the privacy settings that you can select when you start. But here's what I did when I started up.


1. There's a prompt when you sign up where they ask to access your address book. They'll use the addresses you have (only certain addresses, though, like yahoo and gmail, etc.) to find those people on Facebook. You don't have to do this. You can still set up your account, and then search for your friends individually.


2. If you choose to list your high school or college information, then others from those years can find you. If you're okay with that, then it's kind of fun! But if you don't want old classmates to find you, don't fill in that information.


3. You can "BLOCK" certain Facebook users.


4. When people send you a friend request, you can click "Ignore" if you don't want to be friends. It's not a big deal.


5. Only your friends can see what you post on your wall. You and your friends can post there, but no one else. But if you comment on someone else's item or picture, then other people can see that.


6. People can see your friend list, but there's a setting that will not allow that. I can't remember where it's located. Your account settings?


7. Poking is nothing. Just ignore it.

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Just to add something - although you didn't ask about it - pictures...


If you decide to upload pictures (other than your profile pic), just make sure that you mark the album so only your friends can see it. (Or, if you're comfortable with it, you can mark the album so friends of your friends can see it, too.)

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if i can find the link, i'll post a great site for understanding how to maintain privacy on Facebook. the gist of it is in your account settings. i have most areas set so Only Friends can see my stuff - not Everyone and not Friends of Friends. i also have a photo album that from my list of Friends only certain friends among them know that album even exists. that's how i keep family photos from circulating the internet.

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my rule of thumb on the privacy settings was "friends"...meaning setting most things so that only those that you have "accepted" as friends can see. I did put down "friends of friends" for contacting, because at least then, if, for instance, old college friend so-and-so who in a fb friend of my sister's, sees me as a friend on my sister's fb page, she can e-mail me via facebook to request to be a friend. Once you are signed up, the "wall" (think personal bulletin board) is automatically there. When you post a status update, all your friends are alerted via their friends list that you have done so. Friends can see/go to your wall and post something there, or comment on anything you have posted (like a status report), or anything anyone has posted. "Poking" is just a widget program that lets you send a funny "hey you" type message to anyone you wish to be jokey with. It's an easy way to say happy birthday, congrats, happy "whatever" day, or whatever. When you upload photos to your photo section, you can put labels or "tags" on the people in the picture, so that if you scroll your mouse over the picture, the names of the people will pop up. When you "tag" people in your photos who are also fb friends, it will show up automatically on their wall (and yours) that you "tagged" them in a photo, and will post a thumbnail of the pic as well to their wall and yours. That way they know if you recently posted a pic with them in it. And yes, they can always see your pictures anyway if they go to your page and look at them. Its just an alert. FB is really just a communal bulletin board. Everyone has their own (wall), and everyone's friends can see each other's. Very quick real time way to communicate, chat, comment, or share pictures. But remember, you are totally in control of who your friends are, and who sees your wall. I only mentioned poking and tagging because you asked about poking, and I was confused at first about tagging. I'm pretty new on fb too. There a lots of other things you can do as well.

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This article might be helpful. 10 Privacy Settings Every Facebook User Should Know


I haven't read the whole thing, but a friend who is in technology education recommended it.


I glanced through this, and it just made my head swim! I think this information is probably VERY helpful, but, honestly, I am not sure I could even follow all of these directions!


maybe I am not ready for the 21st century. :tongue_smilie:

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I glanced through this, and it just made my head swim! I think this information is probably VERY helpful, but, honestly, I am not sure I could even follow all of these directions!


maybe I am not ready for the 21st century. :tongue_smilie:


How about this one? Facebook video tour.


You might want to wait and join after next week, though, because Facebook is launching a redesign on March 11th. Might just be easier to learn the new setup next week!

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