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WWYD: Need advice (or something!)

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We are in our ninth week since Christmas without a break. (Never, ever doing this again.)


My daughter isn't feeling 100%, and neither is my son. Come to think of it, I've got a booming headache and feel draggy.


It has been like this for all of us all week. We are, maybe, caught up to Tuesday's work. I had hoped to be able to push hard today, tomorrow and (yes) Saturday to be where we ought to be.


I'm in a quandry because, the thing is, next week is supposed to be out "week off." I'd wanted to be able to take it off without anything nagging at me to be done, kwim? However, because we tend to go totally bonkers with an entire week off, I had planned to do read alouds, a few math drills each day, catch up on our time-line (History review) and I can't remember what else (but the schedue is already made.) So, it isn't really a week off--just a change and a lessening of routine--but a change should be as good as a rest, right?



I've been interrupted a few times since starting to type this, so I hope it makes sense.


My question is: Should I take part of our "week off" and do the work left unfinished--or just let it go? Should I try and fight our way through the next few days--or let that go and effectively begin our holiday now?


(PS. I really need to re-think how we d school, too. The introduction of my 14 month old nephew into our day, every day (yes, every single day, and twice on Mondays) has made the way we do school (Very teacher intensive) almost impossible.)

Edited by Alana in Canada
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Alana, you need picnic blanket school! Head outside and get some sunshine and fresh air while you get some work done, whatever that work is (drills, whatever). The fresh air and sunshine will be good.


I know you know this, but are these relatives paying anything for the care of their dc? Enough to cover the cost of getting your dc into quality curricula that are more independent? You can't constantly sacrifice *your* dc to take care of someone else's.


Back to my own troop.

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Thanks everyone.


Go outside? This is a photo taken yesterday. Balmy +4 Celcius.


But it is terrific advice. Really. Today, though, there's an additional 7 cm of snow and it is now minus 14 or something. (Windchill minus 24.) As a friend of mine in a neighboring province told me today: she wants it in writing that winter will end!


No, actually, I can't charge for the care of my nephew. He's in the process of being adopted by my Mom (from my sister) and heck, we feed them, from time to time! But I tuly appreciate the thought! I'm worn just about ragged between the little guy and the dog!


I'm going to stop trying to school for today, at least. (Ugh, we tried to do the Thirty Year's War, honest. Ugh.)



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