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I just think they probably wind up doing the same amount of legwork anyway. If it makes it seem easier, though, perhaps it is a good idea. Maybe it would be useful to ask how many people have ever used a boxed curriculum (or one laid out with a schedule) without altering it? And ask what sorts of alterations they make? That might be helpful to you. I always wonder if people actually read TWTM and try it before jumping ship and trying something else. I think maybe they look at all the writing and their eyes glaze over and they decide to buy something else that only requires that they read a few pages every day instead of a whole book beforehand. I understand. I preread TWTM without a problem, but there are many other books that I know I should pre-read but don't. I opt to read them aloud with my children instead. One of the things I like about TWTM is that having read it, I now don't have to do much work beforehand anymore. Now it is mostly just open-and-go.


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I just think they probably wind up doing the same amount of legwork anyway. If it makes it seem easier, though, perhaps it is a good idea. Maybe it would be useful to ask how many people have ever used a boxed curriculum (or one laid out with a schedule) without altering it? And ask what sorts of alterations they make? That might be helpful to you. I always wonder if people actually read TWTM and try it before jumping ship and trying something else. I think maybe they look at all the writing and their eyes glaze over and they decide to buy something else that only requires that they read a few pages every day instead of a whole book beforehand. I understand. I preread TWTM without a problem, but there are many other books that I know I should pre-read but don't. I opt to read them aloud with my children instead. One of the things I like about TWTM is that having read it, I now don't have to do much work beforehand anymore. Now it is mostly just open-and-go.


Hmmm... I will be interested in what others have to say. Does it work open and go as long as you have a good library system and make regular library trips and do you think?
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Some years I've used it like that. Our small library has several choices for Egypt for example - one at a lower elementary level, one upper elementary, and one middle school level. It is a matter of choosing which one I want. And some years I've looked through the lists and ordered the things I chose used in chunks (about 1/3 of the year because that leaves us room to change and improvise and slow down and speed up).

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Are you trying to provide a parent with all things WTM in a one stop shop kind of a thing? Being new, I get overwhelmed with all the possible choices. And just when I think I've decided what to pick, another new name pops up. I'm also very unsure and how to schedule and even when to schedule a particular subject.


Should you get your box idea pulled together, please let me know!


To answer this PM:


Yes. The goal is to have all of the resources that you need scheduled for you, pulled together and shipped to you, following TWTM recommendations to the letter. No extra time or a proliferation of books, websites and projects to wade through. The goal is to tell you what to do so that you won't be overwhelmed with too many choices. It will be scheduled as stated in TWTM. History is 2-3 days a week, science is 2, readind is 30 minutes everyday on reading and the notebook page, etc. The books will be preread, teacher's notes made, narration prompts and notebooking included for each. All done following TWTM recs and staying secular. That is what I am thinking of attempting (with help). ;) We hope to get the first and second history cycle done within a year.


And we decided all this from the time I started this post!:tongue_smilie:

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Thanks for the give me a box! tag lol


So ladies who have PMd their interest, could you PM me again? SOTW is my first project. I am trying to decide if I should make my own AG, or just schedule the existing one, to make it simpler. I have graphic design experience... yada yada... but it will be time consuming and likely not much less expensive than the existing AG. Then again, do you really want access to the information overload or would you want it mucho simplified? Scheduling the existing AG would also get it released faster.


My biggest idea is notebooking pages and directions. So send me a PM and let me know what ya'll think.

Edited by Lovedtodeath
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When I first purchased and read TWTM, I would have LOOOOVED the option to purchase a nice, neat package. I was starting from scratch with K and 1st grades.


Now, not so much. I have a better idea of what works and doesn't work for my kids (and for me). We've tested out several of the options recommended in TWTM, along with a few not listed in the book. And I still continue to browse all of the other options.


Like many other posters, I would be thrilled with an online WTM store, where I could purchase everything we use from the book.

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I have not read all of the posts, but what you are talking about sounds a lot like Easy Classical. I have not used their product, nor do I endorse it for that reason, but they have made an essentially secular schedule based on TWTM, including a full schedule, or just science, or just history, etc. Also, they have links to the books through Amazon, they don't sell the books themselves.


Again, I have not used their product, just looked at the website when talked about here in the past. Also, this may have been mentioned in another post, and in that case just disregard. :tongue_smilie:

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Kelley, I had heard of Easy Classical Science, but I think I had it mixed up with Noeo Science which is really expensive!


I am planning for this deal to be easy and inexpensive. A million different parts is not something I am interested in. Customizable though, is a great idea that I hope to run with. Someone could pick out each subject and then it gets put into one big schedule all together for them... I really liked that one. Curriculumservices.com does this from what I understand (they use all workbooks).

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  • 7 months later...

OK, what I would like and use would be a "Curriculum Wizard".


You would be prompted to enter all your details. It would question you, beginning with your children's ages, levels, any areas where they are gifted, having difficulty, particularly interested in, not interested in, etc. It would ask you to rate things like do you want a very Christian oriented program, or a moderately Christian, or to avoid religious material altogether. Do you want a heavy focus on the basics, or a more broad range of subjects. Do you wish to include organized sports and/or music/art lessons. Whether you want to be very hands on and involved, or whether you'd rather things you can give your child and leave her to it as often as possible. Whether you and your children like and want to get messy with lots of practical stuff, or prefer to focus more on bookwork. Where you live, what it your cultural heritage, what other special interests you and your children have. What your modern language preferences are. What learning style seems to fit your children. You could choose "frugal" (make your own timelines, flashcards etc, buy secondhand where available) or all inclusive new.


It would then spit out a suggested program and resource list based on your answers and taking all preferences into account. On this screen you would have the option to deselect some items, or to substitute by choosing from drop downs.


Once you have OKd the final choices, the whole kit and caboodle is automatically ordered for you. You either pay all at once, or choose the convenient installment payment option. A week or two later, your personalised Curriculum in a Box would arrive, accompanied by a handy information booklet with various listings for your area - eg good excursions and where they'd tie in with your curriculum, any classical friendly home ed support groups, friendly local music teachers, etc.


Then all you need to do is relax and watch out of your window for pigs flying by :lol:

Edited by Hotdrink
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OK, what I would like and use would be a "Curriculum Wizard".


You would be prompted to enter all your details. It would question you, beginning with your children's ages, levels, any areas where they are gifted, having difficulty, particularly interested in, not interested in, etc. It would ask you to rate things like do you want a very Christian oriented program, or a moderately Christian, or to avoid religious material altogether. Do you want a heavy focus on the basics, or a more broad range of subjects. Do you wish to include organized sports and/or music/art lessons. Whether you want to be very hands on and involved, or whether you'd rather things you can give your child and leave her to it as often as possible. Whether you and your children like and want to get messy with lots of practical stuff, or prefer to focus more on bookwork. Where you live, what it your cultural heritage, what other special interests you and your children have. What your modern language preferences are. What learning style seems to fit your children. You could choose "frugal" (make your own timelines, flashcards etc, buy secondhand where available) or all inclusive new.


It would then spit out a suggested program and resource list based on your answers and taking all preferences into account. On this screen you would have the option to deselect some items, or to substitute by choosing from drop downs.


Once you have OKd the final choices, the whole kit and caboodle is automatically ordered for you. You either pay all at once, or choose the convenient installment payment option. A week or two later, your personalised Curriculum in a Box would arrive, accompanied by a handy information booklet with various listings for your area - eg good excursions and where they'd tie in with your curriculum, any classical friendly home ed support groups, friendly local music teachers, etc.


Then all you need to do is relax and watch out of your window for pigs flying by :lol:


I would love and definitely use this

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I don't mind not having as many book as you would have if you went to the library. The library is a dream that is not achievable for me. I can't drag a 6yo, 4yo and 2yo to the library weekly to hunt books! Going to the library would be great if you only had one or two school age kids to teach, but it doesn't work with large families with preschoolers.


Does your library have an online system or hold books for you? I request most of our non-fiction reading online then go pick them up when they're ready. I usually take all the kids with me, but since my books are there waiting for me, we don't have to stay too long.

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I have a special needs 6yo, a 4yo and a toddler, and we go to the library at least once a week, often twice. However I don't try to get anything serious done during our visits. I search online and place books on hold, so I only have to grab them when we're there. If I need to spend serious library time, I go without the kids when my husband is home (we are lucky to have a library that opens on Saturdays, which helps with this).

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This website also seems to have a problem with TWTM. http://www.hsfreethinkers.com/curricula It is marked with a "not secular" symbol, when "secular with reservations" or "not-secular with reservations" are other options.



Cool - thanks for that link - they had interesting information, well organized and I really like some of the links I followed from there! I agree with your assessment - they could have marked TWTM or SOTW as secular and made a note of the non-secular content - like they did with other products.

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What I wish existed for secular homeschoolers is an a la carte "in the box" option. I want to be able to pick from 2 or 3 different programs for each subject, choose what level I need for that subject, and I want to have a daily schedule with a regular-speed option and an accelerated-speed option. This should also include a book list and supply list for the whole year up front.


I also want the option to purchase the schedule by itself, the schedule with all of the needed resources, or the schedule with all of the resources AND all of the books (like Sonlight I guess, without the guilt trip if I don't want to buy the books).


If you had all of the schedules in soft copy, you could insert which programs/levels I was using all onto one planning sheet. You could print each customer's schedule specific to what they are actually using. You know -- I would be willing to pay just for this service, and it would be totally easy for someone to set up. This way there wouldn't be items you would have to stock, and your only investment would be your time!


You could have options to include (secular!) memory work, copywork/dictation related to what is being studied that week, and ideas for writing prompts for older students.


The other thing I wish existed was a secular (ideally using classics) online book discussion group. Surely this already exists somewhere -- but I would love for my oldest to participate in something like this, since I don't have time to read everything he does. I would love for him to be able to discuss books on his level with other kids, without being tied to age or location.

:iagree::iagree: What you said!!! :D

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OK, what I would like and use would be a "Curriculum Wizard".


You would be prompted to enter all your details. It would question you, beginning with your children's ages, levels, any areas where they are gifted, having difficulty, particularly interested in, not interested in, etc. It would ask you to rate things like do you want a very Christian oriented program, or a moderately Christian, or to avoid religious material altogether. Do you want a heavy focus on the basics, or a more broad range of subjects. Do you wish to include organized sports and/or music/art lessons. Whether you want to be very hands on and involved, or whether you'd rather things you can give your child and leave her to it as often as possible. Whether you and your children like and want to get messy with lots of practical stuff, or prefer to focus more on bookwork. Where you live, what it your cultural heritage, what other special interests you and your children have. What your modern language preferences are. What learning style seems to fit your children. You could choose "frugal" (make your own timelines, flashcards etc, buy secondhand where available) or all inclusive new.


It would then spit out a suggested program and resource list based on your answers and taking all preferences into account. On this screen you would have the option to deselect some items, or to substitute by choosing from drop downs.


Once you have OKd the final choices, the whole kit and caboodle is automatically ordered for you. You either pay all at once, or choose the convenient installment payment option. A week or two later, your personalised Curriculum in a Box would arrive, accompanied by a handy information booklet with various listings for your area - eg good excursions and where they'd tie in with your curriculum, any classical friendly home ed support groups, friendly local music teachers, etc.


Then all you need to do is relax and watch out of your window for pigs flying by :lol:



That sounds wonderful!!!! Let me know when you see the pigs! :lol:

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