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What do you use for elem. standardized test prep?


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In the past, I've used the Spectrum books, and they've been fine. This year, I elected to have them do a little "test prep" every day, however, rather than doing it right before the test. I've used Daily Grams and the Reading/Math Detective books from Critical Thinking Co. to give them daily practice in the types of questions they'll see on a standardized test. I won't know until May if this approach worked, though :).




ETA: My kids tell me that the Spectrum books are considerably harder than the Stanford test, which is the only one they've ever taken. They always sweat over the practice tests and then take the real thing and come out beaming and feeling brilliant because it was so much easier than they expected it to be! Don't know if this helps you or not, but I thought I'd mention it.

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I buy mine at Rainbow Resource. These are test-specific, so if you know which test you are taking and what sections of that test you are taking you can just focus on those components. In other words, you can purchase "Scoring High ITBS" or "Scoring High CAT" or whatever specific test you are taking. I do not know how they compare to the cost of the Spectrum books.

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Thank you so much for your post. This is our second year homeschooling. We did portfolio evaluations last year and decided to test my 5th grader this year. (more for me than anything else) We've been using the Spectrum Test Prep book by Harcourt. I have been feeling like such a failure! I finally told her to quit the science and social study sections (because we haven't covered it). We did Ancients and Astronomy this year. A friend told me that they only test math and LA. This is my child that struggles. We just filled out a packet and sent it to our public school to have her tested for processing problems/learning disabilities.


Anyhow, I was starting to think they were going to make me put her back in school. But hearing what you said about the book being harder than the actual test, made me feel alot better! Thanks for cheering up a nervous mom!



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