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Shadow Spinner- what ages?


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I remember reading this aloud to my older kids a few years ago and everyone loving it, but when I just started reading it to my kids who are now studying this time period, I am not so sure. We got to where things like harem, virgins, and eunuchs were mentioned, and now I recall that my olders were 5th and 6th grade, as opposed to 1st and 3rd. I can't remember- does it get more specific? Should I set this one aside until they are older? Someone please give my aging memory a boost on this one.


thank you,


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I wouldn't read it to my ds8 or dd7. I'm not ready to talk about harems or the fact that the king murders his wives. I enjoyed the story, but it is young adult in my opinion!:001_smile:
I'm going to read it to my 7yo, but we've already read a relatively gory version (relative to children's editions, not adult) of The Arabian Nights and she's an old veteran with Grimm and Lang.
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I read that to my dc when they were 11, 9, and 7. We loved it, but I do remember at first thinking, "Oh no, what have I gotten myself into?" I may have even skipped over things I didn't feel were appropriate--I'm pretty sure that I did. But, it wasn't a problem and didn't detract from the story. However, I don't think I'd read that to 1st and 3rd graders. I'd probably be feeling the same way you are now. My 7 year old was just listening in. I was mainly reading it for my 4th and 6th graders who loved it.

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I read it myself last summer and remember thinking wow this is a great story, I can't read it to the girls...they are 7 and 9. I don't think I would hesitate to read it to them, but that has yet to happen as we have been bombarded with tons of "more important" read-alouds right now. Doesn't WP schedule that book in their CAW theme for grade 2-6?

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