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It's almost that time of year. The first week of spring is when my tutorial holds registration for existing families. I am just not ready to make that commitment.

The tutorial board is changing things and going in a different direction. I am wanting a purely enrichment, slightly structured social environment for my children. The tutorial we attend is moving in the direction of a one day a week school. Next year they will not even be offering a study hall for the high schoolers, so there is no social outlet at all past 7th grade.

I also lead a couple of classes and they are needing course descriptions, so I need to make a decision this week. My oldest will be a senior and wants to return, but the middle guy and the little guy don't even want to finish this year.

Unfortunately what I want simply doesn't exist in my area. I have to drive 20 miles one way to go to this particular tutorial. All the tutorials in my county require a statement of faith and/or a home church. Since dh is Muslim, most tutorials won't even accept our application. Also, the ones in my immediate vicinity are either k-6th or 7th-12th. So, even if they would allow us to attend, they would be unable to accommodate both my 6yo and my 17yo.

AARGH! So the one tutorial (next county to the west) that all of my children from 6-17yo can attend that will allow families who do not have a home church is now not going to meet our need for a social outlet. I feel like I need a little more time to think about this, but from now until Monday is all the time I have.

Any insight? I just don't know what to do.


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Outside of tutorials how do each of your dc get social outlets? What other social opportunities do you have that you may not have emphasized at this time?


How long is the tutorial day? At the end of the day, can the teens be allowed time to visit a local coffee shop, while you and a few other moms supervise the younger dc at a nearby playground?


What are the reasons each of your younger ds's don't like tutorials this year? Is it possible the new format, while more structured, might suit their needs better?


How is your older dc different? Why does he definitely want to return?


Do you know of other families who are concerned about the new format? Do they have the same concerns?


Are there any families in this program who live near you? If so, could just your older son participate next year and could another family drive him? Could he drive himself?

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Hi Mandy,


It looks like I'm from your neck of the woods, and I completely understand where you are coming from! My children are younger than yours, and while we are very pleased with their tutorial now, I don't know what I'm going to do when my oldest reaches 7th grade. I've not found any that accommodate all grades, and yet I don't want to deal with tutorials on two separate days of the week.


I'm also not thrilled with the upper level science options--I'd really like a secular science class, but all the tutorials I've researched offer Apologia. So, not much help here, but lots of :grouphug:.



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As a teacher of classes, do you have any leverage to influence the board? Unfortunately, no. The decision has already been made.


Is there any possiblity that you could replace this portion of your week with a tutorial that you are more in charge of that would fit your family better? Honestly, I do better as a follower. I have never run anything as involved as a tutorial and would rather just show up each week. Also, I am not sure that there is a need for a secular tutorial. The eclectic nature of those who are not part of the Christian majority does not lend itself to a concensus on educational materials. However, I have contacted a woman who attempted without success to assemble a co-op last fall.


Is there any other kind of social outlet you can seek out that would meet your needs? Maybe you will have to separate out the social aspect from the academics. In an ideal world we would, but here in middle TN people in general are spread so far apart that finding high school homeschoolers is difficult. Most of them have such full schedules and live so far apart that it is difficult to get together a second day each week. My oldest has very little in the way of extras, but even he goes to CC two days each week in addition to the one day at tutorial. He also goes to a math tutor one day each week and Kumon math on Saturday. Thursday and Sundays are the only two days he isn't out of the house at some point for school. Thursday he really needs to be at home to study and Sunday is family and clean up time. Also, of the teens that my oldest talks to at tutorial the closest one is 20+ miles away. I just don't have time or gas to run all ove middle TN a second day. Not to mention that dh would really not be happy about it.


Outside of tutorials how do each of your dc get social outlets? This is our main social outlet. The oldest two are involved in a Warhammer group that tries to get together about twice a month. The middle ds is playing volleyball for the tutorial. The games are in the evenings on the same day as classes. The little guy has no little boy friends except those at tutorial. What other social opportunities do you have that you may not have emphasized at this time? Park days and field trips. If we didn't go to the tutorial, then I could spend one day each week doing these things, but there are seldom high schoolers at these events.


How long is the tutorial day? My first class begins at 8:30, so we arrive at the tutorial a little before that. With volleyball when we leave depends on the game time. If it is an early game, we leave about 7. If it is a late game, we leave about 8. Unfortuantely, my oldest has no interest in volleyball and none of his friends stay and play. At the end of the day, can the teens be allowed time to visit a local coffee shop, while you and a few other moms supervise the younger dc at a nearby playground? Most of these teens ride with their parents. Compared to many other families we do not live that far away, so they have to leave when their parents leave. Oh, and there isn't even a fast food place within 10 miles of the tutorial. They bring in sub sandwiches for the families for dinner.


What are the reasons each of your younger ds's don't like tutorials this year? We are not morning people and it is a very long day. We are away from home for a very long time. The middle ds just doesn't feel like what he gets out of it justifies the time away and the little guy is just- well little. Is it possible the new format, while more structured, might suit their needs better? Middle ds likes structure, but he has no friends at the this tutorial. The big guy and the little guy do not like structure. The little guy will not be impacted by this change and I love the woman that he would have next year. Actually, right now this teacher is the biggest selling feature.


How is your older dc different? Why does he definitely want to return?He wants to return, because it will be his senior year and he doesn't want to change anything his last year at home.


Do you know of other families who are concerned about the new format? Do they have the same concerns?Yes, others are concerned with the lack of balance in the new focus, but obviously those who want this change are louder than those who do not. Although this change will not fit our family, I do undestand that the format should benefit the majority. If this is what the majority needs, then this change should be made. It's nothing personal.


Are there any families in this program who live near you? No If so, could just your older son participate next year and could another family drive him? Could he drive himself? He may have to, but that will leave us without a car.


I'm also not thrilled with the upper level science options--I'd really like a secular science class, but all the tutorials I've researched offer Apologia. Yep. Apologia across the board. :confused: Are you close enough and irritated enough to start a tutorial that my family can attend? :D


Thanks, I'll spend today pondering.


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  • 1 month later...

Hi Mandy,

My third son is also looking for a good friend. Seth would love for us to set up a playdate sometime. I am willing to drive. Years ago, when I only had three sons, I drove to Sophia's for playdates. It was always worth the effort.

Just tonight, Seth was saying that he wished that he had a good friend like his brothers. The last move was hard so I spent an enormous amount of time trying to make it easier on the 10 and 12 year olds. Now they are fine and my younger two need that same attention.

My youngest made friends with a little kindergartener whose big brother is a good friend to my oldest.

Clear as MUD?

Seth has friends at coop but these friendships have been limited to coop thus far.

On Monday, the boys and I can stay after school until about 4:15. The kiddos could play then.

As far as the coop goes, senior year is difficult anyway so I would encourage him to continue if he wants. It would be nice if the enrichment courses for high schoolers allowed social time and interaction.

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