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Is Peanut Butter ok to eat now?

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I think I would go have a peanut allergy test done before you eat any more. The first reaction to pb can be mild and the second be deadly. You just never know. Better safe than sorry is my thought... Although I think it IS rare to develop an allergy to peanuts as an adult. Most people show their allergies to nuts very early in life. But I developed an allergy to Ibuprofen after taking it for over 15 years...so I guess it could happen.

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Not related to the recall -- but I would be very careful of peanut butter now, if I were you. The recall did not effect jarred peanut butter, and the recalled peanut paste was tainted with salmonella (which could make you very ill, but would not give you hives).


That said, one can develop an allergy at any time in life, and even to a food one has eaten for years. Peanut allergies (which *could* cause hives) are common and can be life-threatening.


Then again, there are all sorts of things that can cause hives, only some of them being foods you might eat. Sometimes people have an unexplained episode of hives that they can never connect to anything. Sometimes hives accompany a virus or an environmental exposure of some sort...


But I'd be careful about peanuts (in *all* forms) if I were you. At least till you're certain your body isn't developing a peanut allergy.

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I agree with Abbey...it sounds more like a peanut allergy. She's right - avoid all peanut products. You might want to see your doc as well...carrying an epi-pen might be an option. Peanut allergies can be life-threatening.


The recall didn't include jarred peanut butter, but your symptoms were that of an allergic reaction. Salmonella's symptoms are vomiting and diarrhea.



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