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Starting to think about next year...


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I will have a 7th grade dd12, 4th grade dd9 and K5 ds5. I'm still praying and thinking about our plans, but here's what I have so far. I would love any thoughts. I like following some WTM methods but we are also finding value in some CM methods. I'm not sure what that makes us.:)




  • Bible (we read through the books of the Bible together and use Book of Life for discussions, various other Bible studies on character depending on what we need to work on)
  • Continue with Mind Benders (use with my 4th grader as well) I put one on the board and they work on them individually and we discuss.
  • History: Sonlight 3/4-I've always wanted to try Sonlight and we've done SOTW 1&2 (finishing 2 this year). I really want to do some American History with them.
  • Science: ? (we have always done science together, but I'm wondering if I should start my 7th grader on Apologia General. I can't decide whether to read the text together and let my older do the "work" and just discuss with my younger or do something with my younger 2 together and let my older go on with Apologia General.

7th grader:


  • Abeka Basic Mathematics
  • Language Arts:
    • Sonlight 3/4 (I need to look at it-I'm not sure) or LLTL Green Book (we started the Tan book late this year and I'm surprised at how much we are liking it)
    • Shurley Grammar: I'm thinking about once or twice a week using this for a quick grammar review.
    • Finish up Wordly Wise 6 (we don't do this every day)




    • IEW US History Based Lessons 1 or Write Shop 1: I'm really struggling with this decision. I've got the review from Sue in St. Pete. I'm just praying and thinking about this. I watched the DVD's for IEW and we started implementing the outlining using our history this year, but I think I need a "program" so we can get it done and progress through the units. But I really like what I've heard about Write Shop, too. I just need to make decision.


    [*]Spelling: Spelling Power

    [*]Reading Comprehension: Power Builders (it's an old program I found at our local homeschool library that Hooked On Phonics used to put out. This is an area of struggle for my daughter. Her reading level is good, but inferencing is so hard for her. I'm also going to be watching Diane Craft's videos on auditory and visual processing to see if there is something else I can do to help her.)

    [*]Piano: continue with lessons

    [*]Typing: Typing Instructor Deluxe


4th grader:


  • Language Arts: Sonlight 3/4 LA or LLTL Orange
  • Grammar: Shurley to review once or twice a week
  • Spelling: Spelling Power (this dd hates doing this, so I'm wandering if she would do better with a traditional spelling program she can work through during the week on her own)
  • Writing: IEW US History Based 1 or Wordsmith Apprentice
  • Vocab: finish Wordly Wise 3 (we don't do this every day)
  • Reading Comprehension: Power Builders 2x a week
  • Penmanship: I'm not sure. We used A Reason for Handwriting in 1st grade, she had really neat handwriting and wanted to learn cursive so we used HWOT in 2nd and part of this year for cursive, she got so sloppy. We had started HWOT Cursive 3 this year, but stopped and I started her back on A Reason for Handwriting Transition. She's going to work on this until she's finished and I'll have to decide what to use next.
  • Science: Reading along with older sister in Apologia General or do one of the elementary Apologia books with her little brother?
  • Math: Abeka Arithmetic 4
  • Piano: continue lessons
  • Typing: Typing Instructor Deluxe



  • Phonics: Hooked on Phonics (this was given to me-don't you love free?) I'm going to try it with him and see how it goes. I'm flexible. If it's not working then we may try Phonics Pathways. (I used Saxon Phonics 1 in 1st grade with my middle one because that's what the school used in K5. She got bored and tired of the long scripted lessons, but she's a great reader. That is the only program I have experience with.)
  • Handwriting: HWOT or A Reason for Handwriting or Start Write? (haven't decided)
  • Math: Undecided. I'd like to look at Making Math Meaningful K and Abeka Math for K5. I'm not sure what to use. I want to keep it fun.

I think just writing all this down helped me. I think I might try to go to FPEA this year to "look" at some of these programs. Maybe it will help me decide.


If anyone has experience with Sonlight LA for 3+4, I'd love your input. I'm thinking since we like LLTL we should stick with it, but I like that Sonlight's LA is tied in with the readers we'll be reading for history.


I like doing science together, but realize my oldest is getting older and it might not work much longer. Plus, I'm really wanting her to get more independent with her work. She's my one that likes to be with others and likes doing things "together".


I don't have a clue as what to use for Math and Handwriting for my Ker. Open to suggestions.


Sorry this is so long. I appreciate any and all input.





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Sounds good to me. I have a 5 year old and a 4th grader (I say that because my 5 year old is now doing all 1st grade stuff) this year. The only thing I would add is that you seem undecided on handwriting...have you looked at Pentime? I was having a hard time finding a handwriting program that worked for us and then someone here mentioned Pentime. We LOVE LOVE LOVE it. It is WONDERFUL. I can't recommend it highly enough and it is very, very inexpensive.

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