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Has anyone used 'A Child's Geography"?....

Heather in VA

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.....they were 6.5yrs and 3.5yrs. There plenty of hands on activites. We made an ice cream model of the earth's layers. We cut apples and oranges for the lat. and long.


It is very CM. The postcards were fun and simple enough for the younger ones. My version had several typos and sometimes the wording was akward but I adjusted as I went along.


My son still asks for the radio to be turned on to the ionosphere sounds. He thinks it is like music. The book got progressively difficult as it went on but I could still soldier on.


I spent more on the colorful pictures and I think that was a good idea.


For what it's worth....my kids reccommend it.

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I'm going to sound nit picky, but I didn't care for the tone it was written in. I thought it was a bit, oh I don't know. Condescending isn't the right word, but I guess it seemed a bit babyish to me; my daughter was 7/8 when we used it and she rolled her eyes a bit at how somethings were worded. Bugged me to death! That aside, I felt it had good content and the activities were fine; it just wasn't our favorite book.

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I'm going to sound nit picky, but I didn't care for the tone it was written in. I thought it was a bit, oh I don't know. Condescending isn't the right word, but I guess it seemed a bit babyish to me; my daughter was 7/8 when we used it and she rolled her eyes a bit at how somethings were worded. Bugged me to death! That aside, I felt it had good content and the activities were fine; it just wasn't our favorite book.


That's not nit picky. I want real feedback even if it's negative - actually - ESPECIALLY if it's negative. Things that are negative for one aren't always negative for everyone but it's good to know those things so I can check and see if it would bother me as well. Actually the samples made me wonder about this. I had already decided that I'd download the first few chapters and do those before investing in the book in case it bugged my kids too.



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