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Has anyone used Horrible Science?


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I am thinking of using some of these as a spring board for Ds who will be eight. I am wondering how these are. Ds has other issues going on that need to be addressed more so science will probably be a bit light this coming year. As he loves science I don't want to cut it out, I just want it to be not so formal. I am trying to see if these would be fun.



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They are tremendous fun and full of good science. I don't assign them -- indeed, I'm forbidden by DD to "use" any of the Horrible/Murderous Books in any way shape or form -- but I think they'd work for a light year of science. There are a few Horrible Science kits available if you'd like some fun hands-on activities as well.

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Although she also reads Horrible Histories, she is a science kind of gal, and much prefers Horrible Science. We've gotten almost all of them (I think) from the library, and she reads them over and over. Currently she is busily using her allowance to buy her favorites. She does learn from them, and if I was doing "science light" I'd use Horrible Science & Magic School Bus DVDs. Also, Bill Nye DVDs are worth watching.

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