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Copywork success

Debbie in London

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Can I share a little story with you? This is our first year home schooling and we got off to a pretty rough start. We've had more days than I'd like to admit that consisted of math and reading with nothing else. It's just been recently that I've started slowing adding things to our day, like copywork for my youngest (just turned 7). I think he's been doing copywork for two or three weeks now.


So yesterday we spent 10+ hours on an airplane and DS7 chose to do things like draw instead of watch movies. DS draws by actually creating characters and stories, but up until yesterday he always told his stories outloud while he was drawing but never actually wrote anything. Well yesterday he actually wrote some dialogue between his characters and even included quotation marks! I started using sentences from Charlotte's Web that included quotation marks and I really think that's what did it. Anyway, I was excited and just wanted to share. :)



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Congrats Debbie!! I'm a huge fan of copywork also! One of my favorite things to do is give my dd7 paragraphs from good literature for copywork. I'll select a week's worth of intriguing passages from a "good book" that dd wouldn't ordinarily be excited to read. But, it never fails.... after a few days of copying my selections she will ask, "Mom, who is Nathaniel Hawthorne?" or... "What book did this come from? Can we read it?" :)


Music to my ears!

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