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Name your favorite ancient history/reading supplements for 1st grade!


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We're using Sonlight's Core 1 and I bought a few of VP's books to add in, too. I'm getting an Amazon order ready to go - what are your favorite ancient history supplements? I'm looking for both history add-ins and reading themed to go along with our history studies. DD can read almost anything although she prefers to read books with colorful pictures.



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Guest Alte Veste Academy
DD can read almost anything although she prefers to read books with colorful pictures.


Richard Platt's Egyptian Diary would be perfect for her. We LOVE it!




It's an oversized (10x13) picture book with lots of wonderful text.


My other favorites...


Milo Winter's Aesop


Voices of Ancient Egypt by Winters


D'Aulaire's Greek Myths


The Librarian Who Measured the Earth by Kathryn Lasky


Ancient Science by Wiese


Ancient Machines by Woods


I also really like Usborne's Ancient World http://www.amazon.com/Ancient-World-History-Fiona-Chandler/dp/0746027605/ref=sr_oe_3_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1235160508&sr=1-3


There is a volume for Medieval times and Prehistoric times also.

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I am amazed at what a great fit Mary Pope Osborne's Tales From the Odyssey is for us. We are on book 4 (of 6), with me using it as a read-aloud. My dd(5) is able to follow everything, narrate back what I've read, illustrate favorite scenes, etc. I really did not expect this to be such a hit!


When we studied Egypt, the big hit was Ms. Frizzle's Adventures: Ancient Egypt by Joanna Cole. This had great information, and since my kids are big Magic School Bus fans, they were interested in it before I even started reading. In fact, my dd just saw me checking the title on Amazon and asked me to request it from the library again!

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I am amazed at what a great fit Mary Pope Osborne's Tales From the Odyssey is for us. We are on book 4 (of 6), with me using it as a read-aloud. My dd(5) is able to follow everything, narrate back what I've read, illustrate favorite scenes, etc. I really did not expect this to be such a hit!


When we studied Egypt, the big hit was Ms. Frizzle's Adventures: Ancient Egypt by Joanna Cole. This had great information, and since my kids are big Magic School Bus fans, they were interested in it before I even started reading. In fact, my dd just saw me checking the title on Amazon and asked me to request it from the library again!


:iagree: We loved The Tales from the Odyssey and the Joanna Cole book. Those were two of our best books from ancients. Two picture books we really liked for ancient Egypt were I am the Mummy Heb-Nefert and Temple Cat. The Orchard Book of Roman Myths is excellent. Hmm, the other thing my kids really liked was Its Disgusting and We Ate It which has a nice history of food.

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I'll add the Ludmila Zeman Gilgamesh trilogy to the other wonderful suggestions you have received. These are picture books--check your library. Also at Amazon:




I saw those on Amazon and was intrigued. I checked the library - they have the last one in the trilogy, but not the others! What's up with that?

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Two picture books we really liked for ancient Egypt were I am the Mummy Heb-Nefert and Temple Cat.


I can't believe I forgot to add Temple Cat! My 3 year old ds still carries around a cat figurine he "borrowed" from the china hutch when we were studying Egypt.... and he calls it his temple cat.

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Some of the picture books we enjoyed (not to say necessarily purchase, but check the library) were:

Bill and Pete Go Down the Nile

Mummies Made in Egypt-Aliki

The Egyptian Cinderella-Climo

Pepi and the Secret Names


A Grain of Rice (China)

You wouldn't want to be books, ie You Wouldn't Want to Be a Roman Soldier, there are others in the series, I think one for Egypt (mummies) and one for Greece also.

The Golden Sandal

Tutankhamen's Gift-Sabuda

Ms. Frizzle's Adventure in Ancient Egypt

The Bailey kids Time Traveling adventure books-cannot remember the specific names, but there is more than one

The Gods and Goddesses of Olympus-Aliki

Rome Antics

Along with the others that have been mentioned by others who have replied.

Enjoy the Ancients-we really did.

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