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"So, how many of you are homeschooled?"

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Last night my boys attended their Civil Air Patrol meeting. One of the adult members was talking to the group of cadets and casually asked, "So, how many of you are homeschooled?"


Every single hand went up.


CAP is a great program. Are public school kids so involved in school activities that they do not have time for anything else?


Wow! I'm still processing this.



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is that not only were they all home schooled, but *you* didn't already know them. That means there are a lot of home schoolers out there!


I always feel like that 6 degrees of separation thing is extra true within the home school world. It seems more often than not, even if I don't know the home schooler I'm visiting with, I know someone they know or vice-versa.


How cool!

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I have 2 boys that would love, love to do CAP, but it is too expensive for us.


I took them to 3 of the gatherings and they enjoyed it, but then the leader, who had assured me that it was very affordable, handed me the list of fees and supplies and iniform costs and I just about killed over in sticker shock.


Maybe it's just not affordable for most folks in your area?

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Growing up in private, public, and parochial schools, I didn't even know that CAP still existed.


I've only ever heard it discussed in homeschooling circles.



Funny - the only young man I know who does this is in public school. I haven't heard of any homeschoolers doing it where I live, even though I know many. Maybe it's just that my dc aren't old enough yet, nor are their friends.

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I have 2 boys that would love, love to do CAP, but it is too expensive for us.


I took them to 3 of the gatherings and they enjoyed it, but then the leader, who had assured me that it was very affordable, handed me the list of fees and supplies and iniform costs and I just about killed over in sticker shock.


Maybe it's just not affordable for most folks in your area?


My boys were able to get a number of things from the used supplies--what they had to buy was purchased at an army surplus store for a lot less. We paid dues ($37) and bought boots ($40) and one cap ($10). FWIW. Jean

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Wow, that's great!


Are there any *girls* in the group? My dd14 is very interested in CAP, but I'm not sure about letting her loose in a room full of teenage boys... :001_huh:

Does anyone here have a daughter involved in CAP? :bigear:


My best friend in high school (public school btw) did CAP and she really enjoyed it. She did end up dating at least one of the guys too, though.

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Wow, that's great!


Are there any *girls* in the group? My dd14 is very interested in CAP, but I'm not sure about letting her loose in a room full of teenage boys... :001_huh:

Does anyone here have a daughter involved in CAP? :bigear:


Yes, there are girls. They work a lot on leadership, respect...and our squadron has a lot of adult members around all the time. I would not be at all concerned about that with our group. Each squadron could be different, but the protocols are all the same.

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My boys were able to get a number of things from the used supplies--what they had to buy was purchased at an army surplus store for a lot less. We paid dues ($37) and bought boots ($40) and one cap ($10). FWIW. Jean


yikes. the list she gave me ran to nearly $300 per kid, even buying the used stuff (IF I could find their sizes) would have only lowered it to approx $200 each. And the cost just never ended either, like scouts. ;) That was just to get a us started. There were fees for day trips and such at nearly every meeting, which she said we didn't have to attend those things. But what's the point of joining if you can't afford to fully participate?:confused1:

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Wow, that's great!


Are there any *girls* in the group? My dd14 is very interested in CAP, but I'm not sure about letting her loose in a room full of teenage boys... :001_huh:

Does anyone here have a daughter involved in CAP? :bigear:


My dd came home one day and informed me she wanted to take flying lessons :lol: Not on our budget :lol: That was on a Wednesday, by Saturday she had joined CAP and was in the air. CAP was such a positive experience for her and really helped to instill responsibility, determination, and respect for herself and others. I highly recommend it.

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