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Classical Conversations


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As far as supplies, I'm sure your director or tutor will go over supplies with you. They might be available at your practicum...so ask before paying extra...(Although I think shipping might be free until the end of Feb) Anyway, You'll need the Foundations Starter kit, which should be about $150. This will last through when your child is about 12, with only a small amount of extra materials each year. Ask your director for the "extra" list. I purchased some of mine used. I would NOT purchase the memory cd, with the songs on it. You will be able to download it off the C3 community, in two 12 week downloads, for about $6 a piece.(in August?) Also, a warning about buying the Foundations' guide used...it's quite different this coming year.

The laminating cards can be done quite inexpensively if you find someone with a pouch laminator.<OregonLam.com> I bought the 6x9 rounded corner pouches for a great price and flat $5.95 shipping. I purchased the rings from Flyboys.com They are great, because if you want to flip your cards as you practice, they don't "bite" the holes. Also, think about hole punching at the bottom of the cards. This way they fall for the next card, rather than you having to flip them over....

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It'll be fine. Is she in 3rd? She'll get in on all the cycles:-) I think the C3 is totally worth it. It's like hmmmm$6 a month after the discounts. The "tutorials" are actually a fun way to practice the materials. If you choose to do Essentials, that's great, otherwise just make sure that you do a good job on Grammar and a writing program like IEW.

My daughter just started it this year and she loves it! (She is 10, in fifth)


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I have been part of a Classical Conversations (CC) group for 2 years. I am a tutor for the 5th and 6th graders in my group. CC has been a huge blessing for my family. We love attening "classes" once a week. It gives me an opportunity to connect with other like minded homeschooling parents and my boys get to spend a day learning in a fun way with their peers.


Our CC group is extremely well organized. In fact, not a moment is wasted! We start at 9AM for "opening ceremonies." This is when we have announcements, the pledge, opening prayer, etc. Then the children go into their classrooms. They spend 30 minutes learning new memory work for the week, 30 minutes on one or two science experiments, 30 minutes on fine arts, 30 minutes playing review games, and 30 minutes on oral presentations.


My kids LOVE it. I can tell you that if it weren't for CC, my children would not get nearly the same amount of memory work, science experiments or fine art at home. I appreciate the weekly exposure they get by standing up infront of their class (no more than 8 kids) to give a 3 minute presentation.


The foundations program (k4 - 6th grade) has a brand new curriculum guide available. It is very nice. There are a few items a family will need to participate in the program. These items include the Foundations guide, the Veritas Press history cards, and a tin whistle. Other items are optional, but very helpful.


This program is not a typical Co-op program. It is unique in that every person involved is on the same page as you are (when it comes to the CC materials.) Believe it or not, the kindergartners and the 6th graders are all learning/memorizing the same things. Each week there is a set of memory work presented from 6 different categories: the Bible, History Cards (8 per week), science info, math, English grammar, and Latin.


Here at our house we utilize lots of "non-CC" materials at home. I use Classical Conversations as an added extra. We spend about 30 minutes, 4 days per week on memory work. I try to do this in the morning before we begin our regular school work. Oftentimes, we play a "review game", like those that are played during their CC classes. I have been amazed at the amount of informaiton my children have learned!


IMHO, Classical Conversations is a wonderful choice for many homeschoolers. Take a look at their website and read about all that the children learn in a year. It's really neat. I don't think that any one program is a perfect fit for everyone, but is has benefitted our family tremendously.


Hope this helps. Blessings to you!

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I have been part of a Classical Conversations (CC) group for 2 years. I am a tutor for the 5th and 6th graders in my group. CC has been a huge blessing for my family. We love attening "classes" once a week. It gives me an opportunity to connect with other like minded homeschooling parents and my boys get to spend a day learning in a fun way with their peers.


Our CC group is extremely well organized. In fact, not a moment is wasted! We start at 9AM for "opening ceremonies." This is when we have announcements, the pledge, opening prayer, etc. Then the children go into their classrooms. They spend 30 minutes learning new memory work for the week, 30 minutes on one or two science experiments, 30 minutes on fine arts, 30 minutes playing review games, and 30 minutes on oral presentations.


My kids LOVE it. I can tell you that if it weren't for CC, my children would not get nearly the same amount of memory work, science experiments or fine art at home. I appreciate the weekly exposure they get by standing up infront of their class (no more than 8 kids) to give a 3 minute presentation.


The foundations program (k4 - 6th grade) has a brand new curriculum guide available. It is very nice. There are a few items a family will need to participate in the program. These items include the Foundations guide, the Veritas Press history cards, and a tin whistle. Other items are optional, but very helpful.


This program is not a typical Co-op program. It is unique in that every person involved is on the same page as you are (when it comes to the CC materials.) Believe it or not, the kindergartners and the 6th graders are all learning/memorizing the same things. Each week there is a set of memory work presented from 6 different categories: the Bible, History Cards (8 per week), science info, math, English grammar, and Latin.


Here at our house we utilize lots of "non-CC" materials at home. I use Classical Conversations as an added extra. We spend about 30 minutes, 4 days per week on memory work. I try to do this in the morning before we begin our regular school work. Oftentimes, we play a "review game", like those that are played during their CC classes. I have been amazed at the amount of informaiton my children have learned!


IMHO, Classical Conversations is a wonderful choice for many homeschoolers. Take a look at their website and read about all that the children learn in a year. It's really neat. I don't think that any one program is a perfect fit for everyone, but is has benefitted our family tremendously.


Hope this helps. Blessings to you!



Very nice explanation, Angela! I'm afraid I often come across as having only a negative view of CC (mostly because I have way too much on my plate at this time).

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