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Curiousity...Would you pay someone to homeschool your kids???

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Not me, but I know someone who has hired someone for her kids. But for her "teacher" it's a full time position. She only works for them. This family only seeks out well educated teachers. This is also a live in position so it has some nanny aspects to it.


I honestly can't figure out how one person would make a decent living at this though unless they were working for more than one family.


She would probably be better off looking to tutor or teach a class here or there unless she's looking for a live in position.

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We sort of have this situation in my extended family. My sister-in-law homeschooled her kids from the beginning. She passed away unexpectadly 5 years ago. Her husband's sister was/is a college trained teacher. She also happened to live across the street from my late sister-in-law's family. (Can you see God working here?) Anyway, when she passed away, my other sil became their homeschool teacher. Her brother pays her a salary to do this for him. Was that confusing or what? Now, I live next door to my bil and I do teach science and social studies to my niece and nephews. I don't charge him for it because I really love having them here. So, my short answer to your question would be that there can be a need for this. It all just depends on who needs it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I would do it if I were sick or in some sort of situation where I couldn't homeschool the kids myself. I'd rather send them to another homeschooling family during the day than put them in school. I wouldn't do it otherwise, because I enjoy homeschooling.

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I think it depends on your target market. Tell her to do some market research first before making any $$ committments related to it.


You might be surprised at who would go for such a thing. I'm in a very tiny community, and I am the ONLY homeschooler I know in our area (there are many about 40 miles from here though).


I've been asked by several people if I would consider homeschooling their child along with mine. All of them have been serious offers with varying amounts of pay offered.


So, even here there is a market for it. It just depends on who is out there interested, and how much your market is willing to bear price-wise.


FTR, I would not homeschool anyone else. I'm just not interested in that, personally. I have a couple of jobs besides wife, mom, homeschooler, farmer that I do already. And, despite my work schedule, I would not hire someone else to homeschool my son. His father and I choose to do it because we want to raise him ourselves, and we believe that includes his education as well.

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