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I received a homeschooling compliment today!

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I haven't really spoken with our new neighbor much, but she invited my younger boys to her son's birthday party. We were able to get to know each other more, which was nice.


She told me that her son asked her to homeschool him. She asked him why he wanted to be homeschooled, and he replied, "Because Nathan and Ben are so smart."


Now, I know homeschooling isn't the magic, and I certainly have not placed my children on an academic pedestal or anything. I am not saying this to elevate any educational choice above another.


It was just nice to hear something positive -- especially considering we are behind for the first time this year, with everything going on.


It was also encouraging b/c this is the boy who teased Nathan for drawing flowers until Nathan told him that Monet became quite famous by drawing water lilies.

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What a nice experience for you and your sons.


We have never really gotten any negative comments, thank goodness. I have gotten a few nice ones from complete strangers, though.


Before Christmas, we were in Target at around noon. A woman shopping in the same section we were noticed the girls and said "Is school out today or are you homeschoolers?" We answered that we were homeschoolers and she said "Oh, I thought so. I think that is so great!" And then she went on a bit about how wonderful she thinks it is.


That same night, I was at my husband's office party making small talk with lots of people I don't know. I was introduced to yet another stranger and she and I chatted a bit. Inevitably, the conversation turned to "And what school do your children attend?" When I said I homeschool, her reaction was "Oh, good for you! I applaud you. I wish I had homeschooled my sons. I think it's the best."


It was pretty nice getting two nice compliments from strangers in the same day.


I was going to post about them, but I came home to a post from someone who had just had a very bad experience with a stranger and I felt like it might have looked like bragging. So I didn't post it.



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I think that's great. I think as homeschooling grows and becomes more common, people will begin to see that we're all not just a bunch of (insert stereotype here.)


Also, it seems everyday you hear one more bad thing about public schools. I think a lot of parents think that homeschooling is better, but they are intimidated by it.


-Mrs. F

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