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I met my nephew's highschool Civics teacher


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I met my nephew's Civics teacher. Although now they call it Law Enforcement. After talking to her, I would really think about sending my dc to our public highschool.


I found it interesting ;) how impressed she is with her own accomplishments, I went to Georgetown, I went to law school, I .... etc. How she knew exactly what I should be doing instead of homeschooling... you pay taxes (very high taxes btw) you should send your children to the ps and add to their education after school. You should push to put them in extracurricular activities. I asked her (one of the few times I was allowed a word in) that I though this not allowed in our state... she informed me that you can "get around" this law. :confused: She teaches law and civics? Did she just tell me to bend the law?


Then she told my fil that when she started teaching 20 years ago that the town was predominately one political party and now it is the other. She feels that she had "done her job" by influencing her students toward that party.


I thought the job of a teacher was to educate. I knew they didn't teach dc how to think, but I guess I didn't want to think that some teachers had an agenda to impose thier views on our children.


Btw, this was at the wake of my nephew's father's funeral and the conversation lasted about 10 minutes max. Aunt Monique, this is my Law Enforcement teacher Ms. xyz, Ms. xyz this is my Aunt Monique, she has 5 dc and homeschools. And then the floogates were opened...


She never asked me a single question about why we homeschool or how. This woman knows nothing about me. She had her opinons and she voiced them. She also thought that she was older than dh and I (she isn't).


It was neither the time or the place for such a discussion, and I said very little in reply to all she said. So I say it here, for my nephew likes this teacher and I don't want to upset him.


I want to say that I really appreciate what WTM has taught me about classical ed and teaching children to think. I understand better now, why logic is so important. I have always wanted to teach my children how to learn, and how to think for themselves and no just follow the leader. This short conversation really solidified for me what is the goal of hs education.


I will never forget those 10 minutes. It opened my eyes. I have no malice toward this woman, I think I would like to meet her again under more appropriate circumstances.

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In my experience, homeschoolers are also pretty opinionated. :)


There is no doubt in my mind that public schoolers are consciously trying to indoctrinate the children of the United States. There are certain "values" that a child must have, and they must conform to the parameter set by the schools, which are reflected in the values set forth by the publishers who provide books to those schools. Yes, teachers do teach kids what to think. We do it with our own children also.


"Law enforcement" is civics? That's interesting. We aren't a police state yet... or at least I hope we're not!

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I honestly don't think you can judge all high school teachers by one teacher. Just as with any other profession, there are good ones and there are those with personality problems.



I didn't intend it to sound that way at all.

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