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AAS - anyone make their own tiles?


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Just looking to see if anyone has ever made, or thought about making, their own set of tiles for All About Spelling... Wondering if I could make my own using a pack of index cards....


And - are the same tiles used throughout each level?


I read the other threads, and didn't seem to find an answer to this specific question...

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You could make your own, I guess.... You'd need the book for the level you're working on to know which tiles you need. I went ahead and bought them since it saved time. Theirs are laminated and you need to keep in mind that the tiles are color coded (vowels are red, consonants are blue). Level One does not use all of the tiles in the AAS set. We're on Level Two now and are using more of them.

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however, the tiles are color coded, so you might want to pay attention to that if you can find a sample on the AAS website.


They are also coated with a heavy plastic, to make them more durable.


Unless $$ is very tight, I would try to buy them.


Perhaps you can find a set on the S&S board.

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The tiles are used in all of the levels, 1-6. They are color-coded and laminated. I think for your time & trouble (and expense if you laminate yours), it's worth it just to buy them. I used Reading Reflex to teach my kids how to read which uses letter tiles, and oh my, I far prefer what AAS offers!


Merry :-)

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I made my own set of tiles. I bought one set and realized that with great ease I could make more sets rather than continue buying a set per child. The tricky part is color coding them right. Also in each additional book, more tiles are added, I believe. The majority are with the initial purchase of the letter tiles, but in book 3, they sent us a small page with some more letters on them, I think they were suffixes.

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I made my own set of tiles. I bought one set and realized that with great ease I could make more sets rather than continue buying a set per child. The tricky part is color coding them right. Also in each additional book, more tiles are added, I believe. The majority are with the initial purchase of the letter tiles, but in book 3, they sent us a small page with some more letters on them, I think they were suffixes.


Yes, they are suffixes, and sometimes additional syllable tags are sent in the material packs. I'm forgetting right now if any syllable tags came with the tiles...I *think* they are in the material packs instead, but I could be wrong...


The original set of tiles has all of the phonograms for use with levels 1-6 though.


Merry :-)

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