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I am a Classical Writing failure, please help me.


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I REALLY want to like Classical Writing, I really want to use it. I am having the worst time figuring it out. We are trying to do Aesop B. My very bright 5th grader hates it. She gets teary whenever it's time to do it. I am sure that is because I don't really get it well enough to explain it to her.


Is there any help for me or should I just switch to a writing curriculum that is more hands off?


How do I figure this out? Part of it is I never know what to expect from her or what level to do, one or all? I didn't have a great writing experience in public high school and some of this basic stuff is foreign to me! I am so embarrassed that I don't even know all the basics. I have read and reread the guides and it just will not come together for me.


Is there any hope?


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Do you really want help with how to make it work, i.e., do you have the time and energy to put into it? Or, perhaps, would you consider doing something more user friendly that follows the progym like Aesop?


We used Writing Tales and really liked it. I used it with my ds alone, so we skipped games and some other activities. I think it was a great program for writing. I've now switched to IEW Medieval because after half a year of WT1 I realised I should have been in WT2, and also, because we take hs'ing year by year, and if he is in ps next year, I wanted to explore some other styles of writing. However, I really liked WT and have read many times how it's a user-friendly alternative to Aesop........good luck...

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Have you posted a question on the CW message boards? The authors will help walk you through it.


We are doing the Forum w/ Kathy Weitz, the CW tutor. For $100 semester, you can post your writings on the Forum and she gives feedback.


You might consider one of the CW Tutorials. Writing is a great subject to outsource if you can afford it.


We started in January w/ Homer OB (dd 11) and Maxim (dd 13). I'm loving this program. It is complicated at first. Just read, read, read (Kathy's advice to me) and it will slowly make sense.

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What are you using? Do you have the core book, student workbook, and instructor's guide? Without all 3 components, I was really lost with CW. I started with Aesop B and plugged along with my sons. It wasn't until after I read the Homer core the next year that the program came together for me, and I could see how it all worked together.


Writing is not the favorite subject around here, so CW Homer is not embraced with enthusiasm all the time, but my boys really, really enjoyed CW Poetry for Beginners. Is it the program or is it writing in general that your dd doesn't like? I think it's good to know the difference. For me, CW has been a great program that really teaches my boys how to write well. I've seen steady improvement in their writing over the years. Yes, there was a learning curve for me as I became familiar with the CW, and yes, my boys groan when the lesson has a 9 1/2 page model like it did this week, but overall, it's been a wonderful program for our homeschool.


However, you may find that CW is not a good fit for you and your dd, but I wanted to encourage you that it may be too early to tell...



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Are there specific areas that give you fits?


The grammar was horrible here. The sentences are really complicated and they didn't have the answers to the all the review portions (always the main part of speech being introduced, but not always the review). In hind sight I think they we probably could have been more relaxed about it and would have been fine. In Aesop B they pick out specific sentences for diagramming where they really expect the child to pull it together, and those sentences have been simplified to be more kid friendly. They also continue the high volume work, but if your child has it down you can skip that part and just do the sentences. At the time I felt so lost I ended up dropping the grammar portion for Junior Analytical Grammar. That worked fine too, but in hind site I was doing just fine and couldn't see it.



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I suggest you jump to Writing Tales 2. It's the same stuff, plus bits of Homer level skills, just more fun. It has a totally clear tm with discussion points, games, the whole nine yards. I taught it as a co-op class last year and it was crazy fun. And the girls learned a ton to boot! I particularly like the way sentence beginnings and whatnot are explained in the 2nd half of WT2. Once you do the approach with a program that is so clearly laid out, you'll find it easier to go back to CW for Homer and ease right in.

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