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Kite Runner movie as good as the book?

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I couldn't finish reading it. I can't read things about children like that without feeling sick -- even if it is fiction. I won't be seeing the movie. I don't even want to imagine how it would be portrayed on film. :(

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My pastor's wife told me yesterday that they went and it was a must-see. She's not read the book, so she couldn't compare. She said that there was violence, of course, and a homosexual rape of a child but that you didn't see anything. We will probably wait for the DVD though.

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I've been holding out on the movie because I was afraid it would spoil the beauty of the book for me. Yesterday I went to see Atonement (fantastic, BTW!) and I was walking alongside some ladies that were discussing it. I joined their conversation and one of them asked if I had seen Kite Runner yet. I told her why I hadn't gone yet and she said the movie was amazing. She loved both the book and the movie and felt like the movie was very true to the book. I'll probably go see it next weekend.



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Wow, that is interesting! Atonement, the movie, was so true to the book. It was wonderful to see it played out on the screen. I always try to read the book before seeing the movie (if there is a book to be read) and I'm almost always disappointed in the movie version. I was so happy to walk out of Atonement having enjoyed it so much.



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