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What after Singapore math?


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If one finishes Primary Math 6, what would they be ready to go into? I see that Singapore has some other maths for grades 7 and up, but I haven't heard much about them. If you were going to put your child into Saxon for the upper levels, where would they be ready to start after finishing Primary Math?

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I recommend working through Math Smart Junior (on amazon for just $0.01).


Have you actually seen Saxon? It made absolutely no sense to me at all. It skipped randomly from topic to topic. I would have failed math with Saxon and I've always been a very mathy person.


If Singapore's approach works well for your dd, then Saxon's approach isn't likely to. I can't think of two programs farther apart than they are.


After Math Smart Junior, my dd moved into Jacobs Elementary Algebra and Kinetic Books Algebra. She later switched to just KB because she liked the explanations better.

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Right now, I am planning to go forward with New Elementary Math at whatever pace my ds gets there. Another option I have considered is teaching textbooks - starting in Algebra. However, I am just not sure yet. I want to learn the math with him (since I was never good at it) and TT would not afford me that opportunity unless I wanted to do the course on my own. I'd much rather we learn together...and I LOVE Singapore and so do my kids.

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We went right into Teaching Textbook Algebra and my son is doing fine with it. I also own the NEM and am trying to incorporate this into his work . I have loved using Singapore and I am missing not doing the text with him. He is doing fine with all of the TT problems, but because I am not talking him through the lesson, I don't have a feel for his grasp of the concepts as I did with Singapore. NEM seems to build in algebra and geometry, which I really like.

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