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Anyone use spelling list off the internet?


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I was planning on using Word Building by School of Tomorrow next year, but when I looked at my niece's work it doesn't look right for my dc.

I started looking online at spelling list and found a few that I liked.


If you use list off the internet

What do you have your kids do?

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We used the spelling lists from http://www.everydayspelling.com/index.html.


I had my dc take a pretest on Monday. On Tuesday we wrote sentences with the words. Any words they did not know, we would look up in the dictionary. Wednesday they would practice their words by writing them in their best penmanship. Thursday was time to study the words with dad to prep for Friday's spelling test.


It worked really well for them.



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Yes, for both my 3rd & 5th graders.


On Monday, 3rd grader reads words silently and out loud, spells them out loud, and writes them once. T/W/R are just variations: put them in ABC order, write them in all caps, write on white board, write in script, whatever. She only writes them once per day.


5th grader uses the Flypen Fly Through Spelling sheets for practice.


Friday is spelling test, and then we test through some new words and make the next week's spelling list.

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