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Language arts workbooks/guides for Harry Potter?


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I once found a language arts/reading comprehension workbook for the Harry Potter books. It was by some obscure publisher, and I could not find them for sale anywhere else except on their website. When we had to get a new computer, I lost all my favorites and now I can't find it. I know Scholastic does a reading guide, but this was a workbook, with activities to go along with the reading (kind of along the lines of Novel Units). Do this ring a bell with any of you? Or do you know of any other such books? My kids are into reading (and rereading in some cases) Harry Potter right now and I need a nice way to throw some more learning in. :)



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Something else HP that you may be interested in... there are HP science activity kits. I bought a set of them on ebay. If you search "Harry Potter science kit" on ebay, you should bring up various kits. They were originally sold through a book/science club type thing & that's no longer the case, so ebay is the place to find them. Just thought I'd mention it because it's a fun addition if your kids like doing science kits. (This is the type of stuff we do on Fridays in our house.) Here is an example of the kits I'm talking about (link is to the lady I bought mine from). But, if you search, there are various folks who sell these kits.


There is also a yahoo group, the Hogwarts Summer Correspondence School, which is "for homeschooling parents who would like to provide a fun and educational experience for their kids during the summer in the form of the (fictitious) Hogwarts Summer Correspondence School." I looked through all the resources a few weeks ago & it looks very fun. I would like to do it w/ my kids this summer. (Part of the fun is keeping it a surprise from your kids.)


Have fun. :001_smile:

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There is also a yahoo group, the Hogwarts Summer Correspondence School, which is "for homeschooling parents who would like to provide a fun and educational experience for their kids during the summer in the form of the (fictitious) Hogwarts Summer Correspondence School." I looked through all the resources a few weeks ago & it looks very fun. I would like to do it w/ my kids this summer. (Part of the fun is keeping it a surprise from your kids.)


Have fun. :001_smile:


We have some of the Harry Potter science kits -- the kids liked them. The Hogwarts School thing sounds great. I just signed up to join the group. :)



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