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Kind of s/o of math plans thread...


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What if you have a dc that does have trouble in math and is on a slower pace than the average kid? My ds13 (7th) is on pace to start Pre-alg in summer and hopefully finish up with alg. at the end of 8th or summer. He is absolutely not math-minded and does not want to go into a field where heavy math is required. As it is, he is set to finish up Alg. 2 in 9th, but is it necessary to go on to pre-cal and higher maths if it's not required of a college? I have my Bachelors in Nursing, but only completed up to Alg. 2 in Hs, and then college Algebra...that was it. I'm just wanting to make sure that I'm preparing him for what's to come in terms of college.

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That's a normal math plan - really. My ds did 8th grade Alg1, 9th grade geometry, 10th grade Alg2, 11th grade pre-calc and then stopped with math. He reviewed algebra before he left for college so that he could do well in his placement test and is currently taking College Algebra. it is the only math besides statistics he will be reuqired to take for his current major choice (International Affairs with a focus on Asian languages).


The one thing to make sure you check is the college admission requiremnets. Many are requiring 2-3 credit in math with at least 2 being algebra 2 or higher. So you should probably aim for at least pre-calculus.


My ds used the Life of Fred books for his self-study review of algebra and he really liked them. He reccomended them for his little sisters when they get ready for algebra, so I have changed my math plans to include them.

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I agree with Karen--8th grade is Algebra 1 here in public school, and that's considered a high school class. Not every kid takes it then.

I'd be sure to get in Geometry, Alg 1 and Alg 2, and then do at least a semester of Trig or Precalc--many competitive colleges are requiring 4 years of math, Alg 1 and above! That's for everybody, just to get into the university, and it doesn't matter what your major is. So, maybe scan the colleges around you that may be possibilities, and see if they are requiring 3 or 4 years of hs math.

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See if you can count the credit even if he takes it in 8th grade. That helps.


You can always add a consumer math kind of class, with practical life skills math ... balancing a checkbook, planning a budget, reading stock market info, or whatever you think is appropriate. Credit for math, life skills, and not pushing too far, all in one tidy package. :)

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