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Crazy milk allergy question

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Dh is allergic to milk. He's ok w/ goat milk & soy, but not cow. He can have a little milk baked into some things, & he can have cheese, but he can't do ice cream, yogurt, or straight milk. You get the idea.


So I found a recipe for milkshakes on Hillbilly Housewife's website, & there's no ice cream in them. I've been saving this for a surprise for him for a while, but now that I'm looking at it close enough to make it for him tonight, I realize (duh)--there's dry milk in it.


Now, I wouldn't mix up dry milk & serve it to him to drink, but I wonder if this recipe would be too bad?




I'm probably nuts to even think about it, so feel free to say so. :lol: I just can't imagine life w/out ice cream!

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I am allergic to all dairy. Even trace dairy in salad dressings. I wouldn't do it. Use soy milk instead. Everyoneceandawhile (like twice a year) I try to prove to myself that I'm not really allergic and indulge in a slice of cheese or some yogurt. Comes back to haunt me each and every time. I break out in excema, sometimes hives and have explosive diarrhea. TMI? :) Unless he decides to choose the reaction, skip the milk products.

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Yeah I wouldn't do it. What about using soy icecream?

Our wee dairy intolerant gets goats milk smoothies. Frozen bananas give them the body.

A friend uses frozen bananas..... lots of..... then adds frozen berries. Whizzes for aaaages in the food processor and then serves in cones like icecream. Let me tell you; they are GOOD!

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Yeah... so basically, the protein he's allergic to is cow-specific and denatured by the biological process of cheese making and possibly heat... I wouldn't take the chance.


You'd be much better off with some Rice Dream ice cream and whatever non-milk he prefers, with added flavorings.


(You wouldn't want to miss Burn Notice :D)

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Yeah... so basically, the protein he's allergic to is cow-specific and denatured by the biological process of cheese making and possibly heat... I wouldn't take the chance.


You'd be much better off with some Rice Dream ice cream and whatever non-milk he prefers, with added flavorings.


(You wouldn't want to miss Burn Notice :D)


Thanks, everybody. Unfortunately, he's allergic to bananas, too. And chocolate. :001_huh: I didn't have time to go to the store, so I went ahead & mixed these up & let him taste them. He drank enough to enjoy the flavor & let the dc finish them up.


1yo helped herself. No lid, no nothing. Just chugged it. :lol: So I've been wondering about the claims on Hillbilly's website that you can reconstitute milk & it tastes just as good. I mixed up a glass. 8yo made a face. 5yo said it smelled weird.


I put the rest in 1yo's sippy cup. She hasn't had any milk today, so she tore it out of my hand, threw her head back, & poured it in. Then she pulled it away from her mouth & looked at it again, to see what it was. She was done. :lol: I guess it's an acquired taste.

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Or - My dd loves one that is made with coconut milk (but I can't remember the name of it). She loves it.


btw - If he is allergic to cow's milk, start reading labels. whey and casein are milk proteins and are in many many things that you wouldn't expect. It kills my youngest dd's stomach. She is getting really good at making people read labels too.

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I wouldn't do it!


My oldest has dairy reaction similar to Jamnkats. It aint pretty. She is 10 though, I for the last 2-3 years I have been letting *her* make the call. I try to have alternatives to ice cream, etc on hand for her, but if I don't and she really wants it, I let her. She pays for it health wise, but its her body (and upset tummy!) after all. The excema bugs her the worst, so she avoids dairy for the most part.


But I wouldn't purposefully make something I knew she shouldn't have- she only gets the choice at birthday parties, etc when I goofed up and have nothing else for her. And 9 times out of 10, she chooses to skip the yummy, because she'll pay with her tummy!

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