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Problem solving...I need help for DD.


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I have been doing some assessments with my DD. She'd be in 3rd grade in ps. We are about a semester behind in math and when I did the assessment today she placed at beginning of 3rd grade. I knew going in to the assessment that she'd probably place a bit "behind" so I'm o.k. with that, however, I did notice some things we've missed and that she struggles with that I want to help her overcome.


Number patterns, shape patterns, etc. Especially ones counting backwards, 29, 27, 25, 23, 21,.... or another was 47,37,27,....she thought it was by 7's. As soon as I explained to her that it was in the ones place, she needed to look at the 10's place, she got it. I felt like she didn't really get what they were looking for though.


Can you point me in the direction of something that would help her build these skills? Looking at a problem and determining how to proceed. We use R&S Math and she'd doing great w/ that, but now I wonder if some extra problem solving, critical thinking would be helpful.


Also, I'd like to look at something for my son as well, so we don't run into this problem with him. He's in 1st grade and 7. Thanks!

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...and even start 2 years behind. CWP is...well, challenging.


We use Singapore and we do the CWP book for the grade level that the child has already finished. For example, my son finished Singapore 6 last year, but is doing the CWP 6 this year.


If you buy CWP 1 and it is too easy for your daughter, you can always use it with your son:). The books are not that expensive; and if you don't write in them, you can recoup almost half of your money.

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Number patterns, shape patterns, etc. Especially ones counting backwards, 29, 27, 25, 23, 21,.... or another was 47,37,27,....she thought it was by 7's.


Can you point me in the direction of something that would help her build these skills? Looking at a problem and determining how to proceed.


Also, I'd like to look at something for my son as well, so we don't run into this problem with him. He's in 1st grade and 7. Thanks!


Saxon Math addresses this very well in the meeting book portion of grades K-3. It is the pattern recognition part of Saxon that I consider to be one its strengths as a curriculum.

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