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Could my dog have eaten it?

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I had a box of fire starter logs at the front steps - you know what i am talking about - the ones that people buy that are the size of log but are not, presumeably, made of just wood?


I found the paper that wraps one in the yard. I can't find the log itself. My dog definitely ripped up the paper - its in his favorite 'rip stuff up" spot in they yard. Homer isn't one to actually eat weird stuff - he's a chewer, but in the past he has just chewed.


But that log is no where to be found. I'm getting worried. Would a dog chew and swallow that stuff? He seems to feel fine .....

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My dog would eat it too. Our yard is often very colorful thanks to our dog eating crayons, a whole bag of hershy kisses and the foil, and of course the feathers from my DD's dress-up feather boa. She gets very sick a few hours later, but she never learns and apparently neither do we. :glare:


Hopefully this mystery solves itself soon, and the doggy is ok. I have no idea what those things are made of, but you could probably google it.

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But I found it! Or, I should say, my children found it after I gave them a flashlight and told them that the finder would get $3. I thought it was worth a try. They did find it, and I am absolutely thrilled. I was so worried. He's really bad to chew but has never been one to swallow things he shouldn't, apart from an entirel turkey carcass, which he spent the better part of the day throwing up once;)

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