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Looking for dog food recommendations...

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I have been feeding our Lab pup Origen brand puppy food. He is now 11 mths old and is a very, very healthy pup! Origen is a fantastic dog food. He is the healthiest Lab we have ever had. Super shiny coat. Hardly any shedding. Super strong, super fast, lots of energy, no allergies whatsoever... It's excellent food. Unfortunately it is also very expensive and I can no longer justify the monthly cost. There has to be other foods out there that are as good, but not as expensive, right? Anyone care to help me locate them? ;)


Origen is grain-free which I believe is why he suffers zero allergies, and is so healthy. We have had lots of Lab allergy problems with our other lab, so I honestly believe this. Most dog foods brag about their wonderful grains...which I see as "fillers." I would prefer to have a grain-free food, or at least one with low grain content. Heck, I don't know. I just need to find something less expensive. Am I asking for too much in a dog food??


Recommendations? Anyone?

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I use Flint River Ranch from www.flintriver.com. The 20 pound bag is $38.95 which is probably also high...however, it is a human grade food, and keeps my allergy suffering dog from itching to death. It has been a Godsend. I the food you are buying is a lot more expensive, you may want to give flint River a try. It is good food and only about double the price of grocery store dog food.

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My recommendation would be to not mess with what works in a Labrador. It could be that he is just too young to have developed allergies yet, but if he has a nice coat on this food I would just switch him to the adult formula at this point. Allergies, as you know, will end up being a never-ceasing round of vet visits and bills that will cost you much more over time than a high quality food. Thanks for the good word on Origen, I am going to investigate it and start recommending it if it looks like the right product for some of my itchy patients.

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My recommendation would be to not mess with what works in a Labrador. It could be that he is just too young to have developed allergies yet, but if he has a nice coat on this food I would just switch him to the adult formula at this point. Allergies, as you know, will end up being a never-ceasing round of vet visits and bills that will cost you much more over time than a high quality food. Thanks for the good word on Origen, I am going to investigate it and start recommending it if it looks like the right product for some of my itchy patients.


Ah, Soph...I had a feeling you were going to say that. ;) I told hubby and he said, "Uh, no, you need to find something cheaper." Men! $65.99 a month to feed one dog is horribly expensive though. :tongue_smilie:


In looking at FlintRiver, I see that it is not grain free, but I would be feeding him about 2 cups less a day than I am with Origen. So, in the long run, it will be cheaper. I'm still scared to switch food though; he is thriving so well on Origen and he's my baby. Definitely my dog. We are kinda overly attached to one another. :D

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I use Flint River Ranch from www.flintriver.com. The 20 pound bag is $38.95 which is probably also high...however, it is a human grade food, and keeps my allergy suffering dog from itching to death. It has been a Godsend. I the food you are buying is a lot more expensive, you may want to give flint River a try. It is good food and only about double the price of grocery store dog food.


Which Flint River product do you use Rebecca?

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