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Paying for medical records?

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I am changing doctors and need to have my records forwarded. The receptionist said that it will cost me $30. Is this standard? I thought the records belonged to me. She siad that the MD needs to hang on to them for a certain number of years. I understand that but shouldn't that be up to the MD?

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They are managed and stored by the doctor's office or hospital, and whether electronic or on paper, it costs them to manage, not you. If there's a lawsuit, what's recorded there will count more than your verbal testimony, yet another indication that they aren't really yours.


I know that it seems like a lot of money, but that's standard practice. I won't even tell you how many hundreds of dollars we've spent over the years getting DH's.

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They do, technically, belong to you. They are also required to keep a full copy of your record for a certain number of years. They charge a fee to copy - for time and materials. However, they typically do not charge other doctors to copy them. I would just have your new doctor send a records request.

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