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We completed the first week of CW Poetry


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and it was wonderful! The kids loved it and had so much fun imitating nursery rhymes and playing the rhyming game. What a delightful and thorough poetry study--and a great break from the heavier material in Homer.


And much to my delight, my ds 12 told me that he has been looking forward to this poetry course all year. I fully expected moans when I told them we would be analyzing poetry; instead they cheered!


I love Classical Writing! :D

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This is the same response I received from my boys. I thought they would dislike the idea of a poetry program, but they really enjoy it. We just finished week 9 (out of 12) in Poetry for Beg B, and they are not looking forward to starting the 2nd half of Homer B in February. I think Homer seems like more work because the imitation is not as much fun.


I'm so glad to hear CW Poetry was a success at your home. We love CW too!

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As you can see, I'm not Angelina (I'm sure she has great insight based on her teaching experience), but I thought I would give you the basics of CW Poetry for Beginners.


In CW Poetry for Beginners, there are 4 days of analysis and imitation:


Day 1 Understanding Poetry

Day 2 Figures of Speech

Day 3 Poetic Meter

Day 4 Stanza Form


Each imitation skill is broken up into 4 different levels. The Poetry for Beg workbooks A & B cover all 4 skill levels for analysis and imitation. The program is very well written, and each lesson (and workbook) builds on the other. My boys are finishing up the workbook B soon. In week 6 they were assigned the task of imitating a couplet in rhyme and content. Of course, they've been working to the point since from the beginning, so the task was challenging, but not impossible. I can't remember the beginning imitation assignments in workbook A, but they start small and build the confidence of the student each week. I'm looking forward to Intermediate Poetry next year.



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Can you describe a typical week of CW poetry? I can't tell from the sample lesson online. Do they rewrite in their own words during imitation?

Thanks for any help.


Well, I've only completed Week One thus far, but I'll tell you what I can. The week is broken down as Beth describes. So on a typical day you are learning some new aspect of poetry (some new term like meter or rhyme) discussing it, copying the definition in the Poetry Notebook, looking at examples in poetry (analysis) and then doing some imitation.


The book starts out sooo gentle. The first week we identified lines, rhyme scheme and iambic meter. For the imitation, we made lists of rhyming words, and then substituted new rhyming words into nursery rhymes, and then substituted missing words in a nursery rhyme while maintaining the poetic meter. The kids thought this was so much fun. Even the 4-year-old perked up when she heard us reciting Mary had a Little Lamb! :)


From what I can tell from the core, the program, as Beth says, builds slowly on the skills until the student is doing some quite sophisticated work. And I will add, as someone who has taught Intro to Lit courses in a university and AP English, the Beginning Poetry book covers as much--if not more--terms and concepts as either of those courses. And that's just the *beginning* book! I am so excited for myself to go through the Intermediate and Advanced books. Looking at the website, they have some awesome books planned, including analysis of full works, like The Fairie Queene.


As an aside, one of the reasons that I don't stress out over the whole Literary Analysis thing in our literature studies (we just read and discuss books) is because they are getting so much in the CW program. As I have said elsewhere, you are getting way more than a writing program with CW.

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Great news, Angelina!

I look forward to the Poetry program...someday.:)

What is your sequence? When will your dc hit the various levels of CW?




We are following the standard sequence for the progymnasmata books (Aesop, Homer, Diogenes, etc.), but I decided to change up the pace of the supplementary books so that I can combine my 2 olders. That meant that ds12 completed Homer B *before* we did Poetry. And dd almost 10 completed Aesop B.


Of course, that puts my ds slightly out of sequence, but I think we can still fit it all in by completing the Advanced Poetry course as a literature elective his senior year.


As I look through the Poetry Core, I've become convinced that it could be used as a literature unit as well as a writing unit. That gives me more flexibility in High School planning. (see my comments below about how CW Poetry measures up to AP English and College Intro to Lit courses.)

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