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R&S Grammar: 4th or 5th grade text?


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We are currently using R&S 3 for grammar, and have been going through it at half-speed in order to do CW Aesop B on alternate weeks. My 8yo is in 3rd grade now, and we're getting close to the end of the book. She is still having a little bit of difficulty with diagramming and remembering which words are doing which jobs; she does well, just gets a little mixed up sometimes. I figure that time and repetition will take care of that.


I would like to go at full speed next year, in 4th grade; we will also be starting Homer. I can't guarantee that we won't go slowly, though. I have heard that R&S 4 is pretty repetitive of 3, and that some people just skip to 5, but I don't really know.


So given our situation, is it better to do 4 or 5? I'm leaning towards 4, and making sure that she does a lesson every day. Or we could do 5 and relax about getting the book done in a year; two years would be fine too.


On the whole, she's very good at language arts. She writes well, spells with no effort, and enjoys CW.

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We are currently using R&S 3 for grammar, and have been going through it at half-speed in order to do CW Aesop B on alternate weeks. My 8yo is in 3rd grade now, and we're getting close to the end of the book. She is still having a little bit of difficulty with diagramming and remembering which words are doing which jobs; she does well, just gets a little mixed up sometimes. I figure that time and repetition will take care of that.


I would like to go at full speed next year, in 4th grade; we will also be starting Homer. I can't guarantee that we won't go slowly, though. I have heard that R&S 4 is pretty repetitive of 3, and that some people just skip to 5, but I don't really know.


So given our situation, is it better to do 4 or 5? I'm leaning towards 4, and making sure that she does a lesson every day. Or we could do 5 and relax about getting the book done in a year; two years would be fine too.


On the whole, she's very good at language arts. She writes well, spells with no effort, and enjoys CW.


I would do 4. 5 starts to get more complicated and it might be too much for a 9yo.

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