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Employment opportunities for teens this summer

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We have a minor dispute in our family regarding oldest ds's employment over summer break. He worked (and lived) at a camp last summer and has been offered the same position for June through August this year.


My dh feels the pay is not very good and that ds will miss working from May until the middle of June, so ds should hold out for a better job. (For background, ds is financing most of his college education by himself, so money is important.)


I feel that employment is going to be extremely difficult to find this summer because of the country's economic slump, so ds should grab the opportunity while he can.


Ds would like to go ahead and commit to the camp job (he has several weeks to think this over). Ultimately it is his decision, of course, but he actually does listen to our advice.


Are any of your teens in the process of lining up summer jobs? What do you think the prospects will be like?

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I think that you may be right in that summer jobs could be harder to find. Our town usually hires teens to work in summer camps. Last summer there were no positions for teens! I cannot imagine that situation improving this year.


One of the high schoolers whom we know is a cashier at a grocery. She moved to a different chain because her first employer had cut back on teenager hours. They have more adults who want the jobs.


My husband was such wonderful memories of his days as a camp counselor. It is sort of the ideal teen job--even if it may not pay as much as another. Is there anyway that your son can pick up six weeks of work before the camp begins? Yard work for neighbors?


Best wishes to him,


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I would encourage my son to commit to the camp job. Jobs are scarce around here, except for the lucky ones who can work with a parent for the summer. Formal jobs, like grocery store ones, don't seem to be available unless you know someone. At least that is what it was like last summer. I can't imagine it will be any better this summer. Too many adults are willing to work the jobs.

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I'd encourage the camp job too. Perhaps he can get something before hand, than can be done weekends or a few evenings after the camp job starts.


My ds is going to be looking for his first official job this summer and it's going to be difficult, especially since he's young and needs to work with a permit. Adults are working a lot of the "teen" jobs. Many adults are working a "regular" job and a part time one. Honestly, one of my jobs is something a lot of teens do --I teach swimming.


Lifeguarding and swim teaching requires certifications, but as far as typical teen jobs are concerned, these jobs pay the most and seem to remain in high demand. If a child's skills lean in this area I would encourage pursuing this type of work.

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Remind your dh of the proverb, "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush"!!!!


Hey, I actually used that one during our discussion:001_smile: I think I may have to stand up to dh on this decision. I do believe it is wise for ds to take this job. If I could figure out how to make multiple quotes, I would do that, but...


Good idea, Jane, about the yard work. I just got off the phone with my Mom and lined up several days for ds at her house in May. Betty, I have tried to talk all of my boys into going for lifeguard certification! For some reason, they haven't thought it a worthy task. And, yes, I have heard several teens at church complain about getting their hours cut at their various places of employment. At least the camp job is full-time for 9 or 10 weeks.

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Last summer what my son ended up doing was visiting our relatives (they all live near each other) and doing all sorts of yard work/chores/cleaning garages/etc for which they paid him. this summer he can't work because he doesn't get home from study abroad until the end of July.

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Take the sure thing. He's building a really good reference, and that will certainly pay off when prospects get better. Like other posters, many teens we know are having hours cut or can't even get work.


My ds works at the college he attends as a student tutor which does not pay well. He is very blessed, however, with seasonal work as a soccer coach/trainer and that does pay well. He, too, has to cover many school and life expenses.


Good luck to your ds.


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