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Listening skills


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What are some good ways to work on listening skills with your kids? I tried to give Becca the WWE 1 year-end evaluation today and read the Wizard of Oz passage to her - she couldn't answer one stinking question. :glare: I know that if she read it herself, she'd be able to answer, but it's obvious even without schoolwork that she needs to work on listening skills. We started having her read her history quite a while back when we realized that she understood and retained the information better that way.


So, any ideas for building listening skills? Or do I need fifty more layers of patience? :001_huh:

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Sorry, I can't help with working on listening skills, but I can offer sympathy. My 5 1/2 year old is also an advanced reader for her age, but her comprehension lags behind. Sometimes her lack of understanding frustrates me so much that I can't continue reading to her.


I noticed you gave your daughter the year-end evaluation, which is geared for a child at the end of first grade (i.e. a 7 or 8 year old). Have you already gone through the lessons of WWE Level 1? If not, you might try that, as each passage has a set of leading questions to help the child learn to listen and remember.

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I can only chuckle in sympathy. My dd never listens to ANYTHING. We have had many "discussions" about this. 50 layers of patience is probably a good start. :) I have also had her start to listen to books on CD in the afternoons during quiet time. Right now she's obsessed with Disney Fairies books. I know, not great literature, but it's fun for her and she listens really intently. Maybe it will help her develop listening skills. Maybe it will help her develop her ability to tune out anything that *I* say to her. I don't know yet. :)

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